Interview Platforms

Great teams start with great interviews.

By recording live interviews, our platform harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to help teams run a faster, better interview process.

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Interview Platforms

Video interview platforms are becoming increasingly popular in the recruiting, screening, and hiring processes for companies of all sizes. These platforms offer a variety of features that make them a valuable tool for both the employers using them and candidates being interviewed. In this section, we will discuss what interview platforms are, their benefits, and some of the best options available in the market - but before we get to that, let's talk about the different types of interviews and where these interview platforms may best fit into your hiring tech stack.

What are Video Interviews:

Before we dive into the specifics of video interview platforms, it's important to understand what they are and how they differ from traditional face-to-face interviews. Video interviews, also known as virtual or remote interviews, are conducted using video conferencing software (like Zoom or Teams) where both parties can see and hear each other in real time. The primary benefits of a video interview are the ability to conduct interviews remotely, saving time and money on travel costs, and the ability to record the interview for later review.

Types of Video Interviews:

1. Live video interviews are conducted in real-time, with both parties present at the designated interview time. This type of interview is similar to a traditional face-to-face interview but without the physical presence of the candidate. Recorded video interviews, on the other hand, are pre-recorded by the candidate and reviewed later by the employer or hiring team. This allows for a more flexible schedule for both parties and eliminates any scheduling conflicts.

2. Recorded and Pre-recorded Video Interviews. If you've ever seen a pre-recorded video interview platform and wondered, "What is a Recorded Video Interview?" A recorded video interview is a type of pre-recorded video interview where the employer or hiring team provides a set of pre-determined questions for the candidate to answer on camera. The candidate then records their answers and submits them to be reviewed at a later time by the employer. This type of interview is often used as a screening tool to narrow down the candidate pool before conducting live interviews.

But interview platforms aren't just for facilitating and recording videos. Interview platforms technically include a wide range of solutions that are required to create a great candidate experience (CX) and an effective candidate assessment process. Interview intelligence software, video interview platforms, assessment tools, and even job board integrations are all part of the interview platform ecosystem.

Best Interview Platforms

While many people boast that they've created the best interview platform, the reality is there's no "one-size-fits-all" option. Many companies have tried to create "the only solution" a recruiting team will need and end up with complex, ineffective, and bloated software that no one wants to use. So, when looking for video interview apps, consider what features and functionality are most important to your organization and its unique hiring process.

Here are some features to look out for while evaluating different platforms:

- User-friendly interface: The platform should be easy to navigate and require minimal training for both recruiters and candidates.

- Customizable interview templates: Look for platforms that allow you to create personalized interview templates specific to your organization's needs. This could be interview questions, scoring systems, and other candidate assessment solutions.

- Integration options: The platform should be able to integrate with other recruiting software in your tech stack, such as applicant tracking systems (ATS) or job boards.

- Analytics and reporting: The ability to track and analyze candidate data is crucial for making informed hiring decisions.

If you take all of your unique hiring needs into consideration, you'll probably end up with a "stack" of tools not just one.

You'll need a solution that identifies the right candidates and schedules them for interviews. Next, you'll need a place to store all the data for your pool of candidates. Then, you'll need video interview software for screenings and interviews with the intelligence of an AI-powered assessment solution like Pillar's interview intelligence software. Finally, you'll need onboarding, engagement, and performance management tools to the new hire's continued happiness and success in the role.

A fully integrated stack would look like this:

1. HireEz: Helps identify promising candidates and schedule interviews

2. Has a tool called Olivia that provides automation for the hiring process

3. Lever: An applicant tracking system (ATS) that serves as the foundation of all your data.

4. Zoom (OR) Teams: a video interview platform to host your screenings and interviews.

4. Pillar: Interview intelligence software to analyze candidate screenings, interviews, data, and responses to interview questions and provide insights for hiring decisions.

5. BambooHR: Onboarding, engagement, and performance management software to ensure the new hire's success in their role.

These are just a few examples of platforms that work together to create a comprehensive and effective interview platform ecosystem. Ultimately, the best interview platform for your organization will depend on your unique needs and goals. Be sure to research and test out different options before making a decision. Go through as many trials as you can to give these platforms and others a test run to see if they're a good fit for your needs.

Best Interview Platforms

As we mentioned in the previous section, the best online interview platforms share similar traits. They're easy to use, well-supported, and include all of the features you need to effectively hire for your teams. But there's another factor that wasn't mentioned. Price.

As inflation has increased, demand for workers has also increased. Workforce shortages, in particular, have driven up hiring costs. In a survey done by SHRM, employers spent an average of $4,129 on recruiting costs per hire. When you combine this with salary increases and increased costs for employee benefits, the average employee will actually cost 30-40% more than their salary expectations.

These increased costs and higher demand mean that mistakes in hiring are more costly than ever. A majority of hiring professionals (60%) said that bad hires have cost them $25,000 or more. So, having the best tools and resources for hiring is essential to reduce these costs and ensure you're making the right hire.

When evaluating different interview platforms, be sure to consider not just the features and functionality but also the cost. The best video interviewing platform not only helps you save time and money by eliminating travel expenses but also streamlines the hiring process to reduce overall recruiting costs. Additionally, investing in a comprehensive interview platform stack can save you time and money in the long run by providing an efficient and effective way to hire top talent. So, while there may not be a one-size-fits-all solution for the best interview platform, it's important to consider all aspects of the hiring process and find solutions that fit your organization's unique needs.

One of the reasons that Pillar decided to build a platform powered by AI is that scalability is going to be necessary as the workforce continues to shift. As jobs go global, the talent required to fill these roles will grow exponentially and become even more diverse. To accommodate this new wave, recruiting teams will need to double their bandwidth without massively increasing budgets. Executive teams and boards will put more pressure on hiring teams to make better hires and spend less in the process. The only way to achieve this is through the use of innovative technologies to automate the tasks that don't require a human touch.

Video Interviewing Platforms

The best video interviewing platform of the future is the one that simplifies and prioritizes your hiring process. With the rise of global and remote work, video interviewing has become an essential tool for recruiting teams to screen and interview candidates from anywhere in the world. But with so many options available, it can be overwhelming to find the best video interviewing platform for your organization.

As you consider all of the options, think about the primary goal- which most people would say is saving time and money. I'd like to frame this differently. "How can we hire the best people for our team, at a price we can afford, with the most efficient process possible?" Doesn't that sound better to you?

We all want teams of highly effective people who are diverse and help us solve the huge problems that humanity will face as we move into the future. Billions of people need to be fed, clothed, protected, connected, entertained and paid. This means that we need to find the very best talent, regardless of their location. The right video interviewing platform can help bring these talented individuals into your organization and contribute to its success.

In summary, when looking for the best interview platforms, be sure to consider a comprehensive stack of tools that work together to meet all of your hiring needs. Don't underestimate the power of technology and innovation in streamlining your hiring process and finding the right people.

If you'd like to see how our team can help you achieve the goals we've talked about above, book your demo by clicking this link. We'd love to show you how customers have increased diversity hiring by almost 60% while cutting costs and saving time. To hear more, chat with someone from our team today.