Structured Interviews

Pillar enables hiring teams to run consistent, structured interviews.

Making it impossible to run a bad interview process.

Interview Guides

Running well-coordinated interviews has never been easier. Within Pillar, you can select the skills that are most relevant to the role you're hiring for and the supporting questions you'd like interviewers to ask.

Search our library of hundreds of questions, add your own, or use our AI-generated guides (see here for a sneak peek). This way you can train your team members to become better interviewers while structuring your interviews at the same time (in fact, unstructured interviews are unreliable for predicting job success).

Interview Copilot

Wave goodbye to the days of chasing down interviewers for feedback and say hello to Pillar’s Interview Copilot.

“No one can ever tell me why they didn’t like a particular candidate.”

“When interviewers send feedback, it’s just 3 bullet points of unhelpful info.”

“It takes me 3+ days to get feedback from interviewers.”

Sound familiar? With Pillar’s Interview Copilot, you can collect high-quality candidate feedback faster and guide interviewers in real-time right from your phone screen or Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Google Meet window.

Guide your interviewers in real-time

Schedule time with our team to see how our guides and copilot are helping hiring teams run an unbiased, equitable process, every time.

Request a Demo

"With Pillar, we are now able to collect high quality candidate feedback in real time and 85% of feedback is submitted in 48 hours or less. Pillar has made it so that we never have to chase down an interviewer for feedback again.”

Director of People Operations
fortune 1000 software company