HR Management Software

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HR Management Software

HR management software is an important tool for human resources departments and can ensure added flexibility, structure, and organization in both hiring and personnel management. First of all, what is HR software? HR management software is a program that can have a wide range of features and functions, from managing hiring processes to managing personnel data and training, and beyond. In short, your HR management software can include anything that your human resources team requires to manage and organize employees. Interview intelligence software, like the program offering from Pillar, could also be included under the heading of HR management software. Human resources teams will likely pull from a robust HR software list to choose the right program to meet their company’s unique and specific needs. 

There are many advantages to using HR management programs to keep your company and department organized. HR software benefits can include the following key areas:

Efficient Data Management:

  • HR software centralizes employee data, making it easier to manage and maintain accurate records related to personnel information, payroll, benefits, and performance.

Automation of Routine Tasks:

  • HR software automates repetitive tasks such as payroll processing, time and attendance tracking, and benefits administration, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.

Improved Recruitment and Applicant Tracking:

  • Applicant tracking systems within HR software simplify the recruitment process by managing job postings, tracking applications, and streamlining candidate communication, resulting in a more organized and effective hiring process.

Enhanced Employee Onboarding:

  • HR software facilitates smooth onboarding processes by automating the creation of employee profiles, managing documentation, and providing a structured orientation for new hires.

Performance Management:

  • HR software allows for the automated tracking of employee performance, goal setting, and performance reviews. It provides a centralized platform for performance-related data and feedback.

Training and Development:

  • HR software helps manage training programs and track employees' skills and development needs, ensuring that the workforce remains skilled and up-to-date.

Employee Self-Service Portals:

  • Many HR software solutions include self-service portals that empower employees to access their personal information, request time off, view pay stubs, and update their details, reducing the administrative burden on HR.

Compliance Management:

  • HR software helps organizations stay compliant with labor laws and regulations by automating compliance-related tasks, such as tracking certifications, managing documentation, and generating reports.

Centralized Communication:

  • HR software facilitates communication within the organization by providing a centralized platform for announcements, policy updates, and other important information.

Data Analytics and Reporting:

  • HR software offers robust reporting and analytics tools that enable HR professionals to derive insights from workforce data, helping in strategic decision-making and workforce planning.

Cost Savings:

  • By automating processes and reducing paperwork, HR software contributes to cost savings in terms of time, resources, and potential errors.

Employee Engagement:

  • Some HR software includes features to measure and improve employee engagement, such as surveys and feedback tools.

Flexible Workforce Management:

  • HR software can assist in managing remote and flexible work arrangements, including tracking work hours, collaboration tools, and monitoring productivity.

Security and Data Protection:

  • HR software typically incorporates robust security measures to protect sensitive employee data, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.


  • HR software is often scalable, adapting to the needs of growing organizations without significant disruptions to existing processes.

Adopting HR software is a strategic investment for organizations seeking to optimize HR processes, enhance employee experiences, and align workforce management with broader business goals. Read on to discover some examples of HR software programs that may benefit your HR team. 

HR Software Examples

When searching for the best HR software examples, your company will likely need to pare down the search a little based on your needs, size, and preferences. After all, companies and HR departments come in all shapes and sizes and not all are alike. If you work for a major corporation, you will want to select the best HR systems for large companies and begin your search there. Smaller companies or even micro companies can still benefit from HR management software, but as they will not need to manage huge amounts of clients, HR software used by companies of a smaller size will be the best place to begin your search in that scenario. 

Here are three examples of HR management software, along with explanations of what they can do:


  • Functionality: Workday is a comprehensive cloud-based HR management software that covers various aspects of human capital management, including HR, payroll, talent management, and workforce planning. It offers features such as employee self-service, recruitment management, performance management, and analytics. Workday's user-friendly interface and real-time data access contribute to efficient HR processes and decision-making.


  • Functionality: BambooHR is a user-friendly HR software designed for small to medium-sized businesses. It offers core HR functionalities such as employee records management, benefits tracking, time-off management, and applicant tracking. BambooHR simplifies HR processes, enhances employee self-service, and provides valuable insights through reporting and analytics. It focuses on creating a streamlined and efficient HR experience for businesses with limited HR resources.

ADP Workforce Now:

  • Functionality: ADP Workforce Now is a comprehensive HR and payroll solution designed for medium to large enterprises. It covers a range of HR functions, including payroll processing, time and attendance tracking, talent management, and benefits administration. ADP Workforce Now's robust features streamline payroll processes, ensure compliance with tax regulations, and provide tools for talent management and workforce planning. The platform is scalable and can adapt to the evolving needs of growing organizations.

These examples showcase the diversity of HR management software available today, catering to different organizational sizes and needs. As discussed previously, organizations often select HR software based on factors such as their size, industry, specific HR requirements, and the level of customization and scalability they need. When selecting the right HR management software for your company and human resources team, it will be important for you to know the scale of the work you intend to accomplish, the number of people you are planning to manage, and the specific needs and requirements of your team when it comes to HR management software. 

Best HR Management Software

When it comes to choosing the best HR management software, that can be an extremely subjective decision. There are many different types of HR software available, different kinds to meet different needs. We recommend reviewing the variety of types below and then doing searches for HR software reviews to gain a better understanding of the responses that other organizations have had to the programs that interest you. Before making a final decision, it can be helpful to use a free demo or trial period for a few programs to determine which is the best fit. There are various types of HR management software available, each designed to address specific aspects of human resource functions. Here are some common types of HR management software:

Interview Intelligence Platform:

  • A program that allows users to manage their interview processes to ensure that they are streamlined, customized, and consistent. Pillar offers a revolutionary interview intelligence program that allows teams to hire the right people efficiently and equitably. 

Human Resource Information System (HRIS):

  • HRIS software serves as a centralized database for employee information, streamlining core HR functions such as personnel records, payroll, benefits administration, and compliance management. It provides a foundation for data-driven decision-making and process automation.

Applicant Tracking System (ATS):

  • ATS software is designed to manage the recruitment and hiring process. It assists in posting job openings, receiving and tracking applications, managing candidate communication, and streamlining the overall hiring workflow. ATS helps improve efficiency in candidate sourcing and selection.

Performance Management Software:

  • Performance management software helps organizations set goals, conduct performance evaluations, and provide feedback to employees. It often includes features for goal setting, continuous feedback, performance reviews, and development planning to enhance employee performance and engagement.

Learning Management System (LMS):

  • LMS software is focused on training and development. It helps manage and track employee training programs, certifications, and skill development. LMS facilitates the creation and delivery of training content, ensuring employees have access to relevant learning resources.

Employee Engagement Software:

  • Employee engagement software is designed to measure, analyze, and improve employee engagement levels within the organization. It may include tools for conducting surveys, gathering feedback, and implementing initiatives to enhance employee satisfaction and productivity.

Payroll Software:

  • Payroll software automates the process of calculating and distributing employee salaries, taxes, and other withholdings. It helps ensure accurate and timely payroll processing, compliance with tax regulations, and the generation of payroll-related reports.

Benefits Administration Software:

  • Benefits administration software assists in managing employee benefits programs, including health insurance, retirement plans, and other employee perks. It simplifies benefits enrollment, tracks employee contributions, and ensures compliance with benefit regulations.

Time and Attendance Software:

  • Time and attendance software tracks employee work hours, absences, and overtime. It provides tools for managing time-off requests, scheduling, and generating reports to support payroll processing and workforce management.

Succession Planning Software:

  • Succession planning software helps organizations identify and develop potential future leaders within the company. It facilitates the assessment of employee skills, competencies, and career goals to create talent pipelines for key positions.

Workforce Analytics Software:

  • Workforce analytics software leverages data to provide insights into workforce trends, performance metrics, and other key HR metrics. It assists organizations in making data-driven decisions related to workforce planning, talent acquisition, and employee engagement.

Employee Self-Service (ESS) Portals:

  • ESS portals provide employees with self-service options to access and manage their personal information, benefits, time-off requests, and other HR-related tasks. This reduces the administrative burden on HR teams and empowers employees to take control of their HR-related activities.

Mobile HR Apps:

  • Mobile HR apps enable employees and HR professionals to access HR information and perform tasks using mobile devices. These apps often provide on-the-go access to essential HR functions, fostering flexibility and responsiveness in HR processes.

The selection of HR management software depends on an organization's specific needs, size, industry, and objectives. Many organizations use a combination of these software types to create a comprehensive HR technology ecosystem that addresses various aspects of workforce management. No matter what program you end up with, there are so many options available today that you’re virtually guaranteed to find the ones that meet your company’s needs.