Hiring Software

Great teams start with great interviews.

By recording live interviews, our platform harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to help teams run a faster, better interview process.

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Hiring Software

As the workforce has shifted to a remote environment, companies now have access to talent anywhere there's wifi. The challenge has become how to stand out from the rest of the online noise to attract top talent, even if you're not a blue chip brand.

This means creating a swift and inviting interview process that quickly weeds out unqualified candidates without making the remaining prospects feel like they're being herded through a process like cattle.

One of the most important platforms in facilitating this is your company's choice of interview intelligence software.

The best interview intelligence software on the market today will be able to help you:

- Create a thoughtfully structured interview process
- Keep your interviews on target
- Prompt interviewers during the interview with semi-structured questions to ask candidates
- Be collaborative between interviewers and candidates
- Provide quality and timely feedback

In short, the best recruitment platforms should help you reduce the risk of bad interviews, speed up the hiring process, and help you identify and eliminate costly mis-hires that hurt team culture and cost the company time and money.

Hiring software should also integrate seamlessly with your tech stack of recruiting tools. ATS, video conferencing, and scheduling software should all be able to talk to each other to provide a cohesive and streamlined interview experience for both the candidate and the interviewer.

The best online recruitment platforms will make it easy for you to manage your hiring process from start to finish so you can focus on what's important: attracting and hiring the best talent out there.

When it comes to choosing the best interview intelligence software for your company, there are a few key features to consider:

- Ease of use: How easy is this platform to use across each team member interviewing? The platform should be easy to set up and use so you can get started without any headaches.
- Flexibility: The platform should be flexible enough to accommodate your company's unique needs.
- Functionality: The platform should have all the features you need to streamline your hiring process.
- Integrations: This was already mentioned, but it's worth repeating. The platform should integrate seamlessly with the other tools in your recruiting tech stack.
- Pricing: The platform should be affordable for your company.
- Customer support: The platform but it's important to create a seamless ecosystem with your other recruiting tools in your tech stack.

Remember that the interview process is often a candidate's first exposure to your company culture, so think about how you want them to perceive your business and choose your interview intelligence software accordingly.

Online Recruitment Software

The modern workplace has changed dramatically in recent years, with more and more employees working remotely. This shift has had a direct impact on the way companies recruit and hire new talent.

In the past, most companies relied on face-to-face interviews to get to know candidates and assess their suitability for a role. However, this process is no longer feasible for many businesses, as they may not have the resources to bring candidates in for an interview in person.

This is where online recruitment software comes in. This type of software enables companies to conduct interviews with candidates via video conferencing tools, such as Teams or Zoom.HR recruitment software has a number of advantages over traditional face-to-face interviews. First, it is significantly more cost-effective, as you will not need to cover the costs of travel and accommodation for candidates.

Second, online recruitment software enables you to reach a wider pool of candidates, as geography is no longer a barrier. You can interview candidates from anywhere in the world, which is particularly useful if you are looking to hire for a role that requires specific skills or experience that are not readily available in your local area.

Third, the best recruitment software allows you to assess a candidate's soft skills, such as their communication and presentation skills. Video interview intelligence software solves the common problem of not being able to assess a candidate's true personality and potential in a face-to-face meeting.

Finally, online recruitment software provides a more efficient and streamlined process for both the employer and the candidate.

Recruitment tools have come a long way in recent years, and the best ones can save you a lot of time and money.

The first step in choosing the best recruitment software for your business is to identify your specific needs. Are you looking for a tool that will help you conduct video interviews? Or do you need a platform that will enable you to post job ads and track applications?

Once you know what you need, you can start comparing different products.

We have a great ebook to walk you through this process, "How to Build the Best Recruitment Tech Stack."

Best Recruitment Software

Why is recruiting software paramount to your hiring process? The answer is simple: the best recruiting solution can make your life as a talent manager, HR leader, hiring manager, or recruiter infinitely easier.

With the help of technology, you can take care of the most tedious and time-consuming tasks related to sourcing, screening, and scheduling candidates. The best software will also keep your hiring process organized, efficient, and compliant.

According to WebinarCare, recruiters using interview intelligence software say they save between 2 and 10 hours per week.

67%, when asked, said it takes between 30 minutes and 2 hours to schedule a single interview.

And finally,

74% of those surveyed said that AI-powered interview intelligence software helped them make better hiring decisions.

When it comes to the best recruitment software, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The needs of your business will vary depending on the size of your company and the nature of your industry.

When compared to traditional hiring, recruitment software offers many advantages. For example, it can automate and keep track of tedious tasks like tracking candidate sourcing, and applicant tracking.

It can also help you assess candidates more objectively by conducting video interviews and collecting data about their skills and experience.

After you've completed the interview, and you've decided on the appropriate individual, the ideal video recruiting software should also provide you with data so that you may train team members in interviews to improve your hiring standards.

Also, the best recruiting solutions should be user-friendly and easy to navigate. The last thing you want is a complicated interface that takes hours to learn and is complicated for your team to use, so it gets ignored.

Cost savings is another factor to consider when choosing the best recruiting software for your business.

The average cost per hire is $4,129, and the "time-to-fill" is 40- 60 days.

With the help of technology, you can reduce these numbers significantly providing your team with the members you need to grow as well as candidates with the roles they seek.

Best Recruiting Software for Small Business

If you're a small business, what are the most important factors that may separate your hiring needs from a larger organization?

For starters, you may not have the same budget for recruiting software as a larger company. Fortunately, the best recruiting solutions don't have to break the bank.

Want to see how much you could save in real time? Check out our savings calculator to see how much you could save.

Another key difference is that small businesses often don't have dedicated HR or recruiting teams. This means that the software you choose needs to be easy to use and understand so that any team member can quickly learn how to use it.

If you're a startup, you know that time is of the essence. You're competing for talent against big corporations and tech companies that offer nearly unlimited upside. You need to be able to quickly adapt to change and scale at a moment's notice.

On the topic of competing with tech and big corporations, as a small business, you'll want to deliver a more efficient and attractive candidate experience.

The best recruitment software for small businesses also integrates directly with an applicant tracking system. This will help candidates feel like they're not just a number. It will also ensure that they don't get lost in the hiring process.

Candidates want to be known on a personal level, and for their skills and qualifications to be assessed fairly and equitably. 

The bottom line is that when it comes to choosing the best recruiting solutions for small businesses, you need to prioritize features that will help you close the deal and hire the best talent out there.

The best recruiting software of 2022 is the one that works for you. As your company grows, so does your team. You need a solution that can keep up with your business and help you scale.

Pillar's interview intelligence software was designed with you in mind. We give you the ability to turn any team member into a world-class interviewer and hire with confidence.

Trusted by VCs like High Alpha, companies like ANVL, Bolster, Wistia, Demandwell, and Terminal, and leadership organizations like Praxis, our software is easy to use and offers the features you need to deliver an amazing candidate experience. 

Schedule a demo today to see how we can help you create an efficient and equitable interview process.