Video Recruitment

Great teams start with great interviews.

By recording live interviews, our platform harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to help teams run a faster, better interview process.

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Video Recruitment

Just a few years ago, video recruiting emerged unexpectedly and has now become the predominant method for interviewing. Pausing to think about the rapid growth of these platforms and the differences that they've made, I can't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder when I think about how far we've come in the world of recruitment.

The dawn of video recruitment platforms was a game-changer, forever transforming the way we approach talent acquisition from around the world. With each new online interview platform that emerges, we are granted the ability to connect with a wider pool of potential candidates and experience the personal satisfaction of finding the perfect employees for our organizations no matter where in the world they reside.

The origins of video recruitment can be traced back to the early days of online video platforms. Back then, the idea of interviewing candidates via video was still a novelty, but it was the start of something magical that went into hyper-drive during the C19 global pandemic. 

Video interview platforms and interview intelligence software like Pillar led when Ai became available commercially and opened our eyes to the potential of technology to create a more efficient and effective recruitment process.

As video recruitment evolved, so did the online interview platforms that supported it. Gone were the days of grainy, pixelated videos and lagging connections. The modern video recruitment experience is a seamless one, where technology enhances human connection rather than detracting from it. Your HR now has access to nearly 4K quality video interviews, and we've witnessed this innovation (or you could say transformation) firsthand over the last 3- 4 years.

In addition to the technology that facilitates video recruitment, we've seen a new wave of recruiting solutions emerge on top of those platforms. These range from AI-powered interview intelligence solutions (which we'll talk about in the next section) that provide real-time feedback during interviews to candidate assessment software that evaluates job candidates based on their answers and behaviors during the interviewing process.

As you can see, with technological development like this, the impact of video recruitment on the industry is profound. It has broken down geographical barriers, allowing us to tap into talent pools that were once out of reach. 

Companies are now able to cast a wider net, dramatically increasing the diversity and quality of their workforce. The emotional satisfaction of knowing that we are building teams that are truly representative of the global community is immeasurable.

COVID-19 and its effects on the workforce further accelerated the adoption of online interview platforms as people were ordered to stay at home. Companies scrambled to adapt to remote work and video interviews became the norm rather than the exception. In a time of unprecedented upheaval and uncertainty, video recruitment provided a sense of continuity and stability. It allowed us to continue our vital work of connecting people with meaningful employment opportunities.

Going forward, the role of video recruitment in modern HR will only increase. As technology continues to evolve and become ever more sophisticated, I'm looking forward to a future where our recruitment processes are even simpler, more effective, and more human than ever before.

Platforms are becoming more accessible, cost-effective, and better at predicting the best candidates for each role. With AI, Machine Learning, and natural language processing capabilities as part of the mix, video recruitment has become both an art and a science – allowing us to make data-driven decisions that benefit both employers and employees alike.

AI Interview Software

The introduction of AI interview software has been another revolution in the video recruitment landscape. Platforms such as these have forever changed the way we approach talent acquisition, leveraging cutting-edge technology to streamline the process and ensure a more objective evaluation of candidates. The most common virtual interview platforms now come equipped with AI-driven features, such as sentiment analysis and natural language processing, which have greatly enhanced the efficiency and accuracy of the hiring process.

AI-driven technologies have given us an unprecedented level of insight into our recruitment process and a more comprehensive understanding of each candidate. These platforms also automate the bulk of the interviewing process so we can now focus on what really matters – connecting the right people with the right opportunities to help them reach their full potential.

The future of video recruitment looks bright. As technology advances, so too will our ability to build diverse teams that are truly representative of our global community – and make intelligent decisions along the way. With video recruitment, we now have the tools to ensure that every individual has a chance to reach their potential.

The video recruitment statistics speak for themselves. AI-powered platforms have reduced time-to-hire by up to 50%, while simultaneously improving the quality of candidates being considered. And with more companies transitioning to hybrid work environments, video recruitment will continue to play an even larger role in HR.

One thing that we haven't talked about yet is how Ai technology can generate unfavorable results. Amazon recently scrapped its Ai-powered recruitment tool after it was found to be discriminating against women. While this is a very real issue and one that must not be taken lightly, it also highlights the importance of setting up appropriate safeguards when using AI in the recruitment process.

With the appropriate guide rails in place, Ai allows us to identify challenges quickly, iterate effectively, and make better hiring decisions. Pillar actively monitors the results of our interview intelligence platform (powered by Ai) to be sure that it's generating the best results.

Ultimately, video recruitment has already completely revolutionized HR – and it's here to stay. As technology advances, so too will our ability to unlock the full potential of our workforce – and create a brighter future for everyone.

Best Interview Platforms

If you're in the market for video interview tools right now the sheer number alone can be overwhelming. Thankfully, there are standout platforms that have earned their place at the top of the industry.

The best interview platforms offer a seamless user experience for both candidates and interviewers alike. These platforms often include one-way video interview options, where candidates can record their responses to preset questions, allowing for more flexibility in the hiring process.

The best video interview platforms also cater to niche industries, such as SaaS, engineering, and software development. Online coding interview platforms have emerged to specifically address the unique challenges of hiring developers, providing an environment where candidates can showcase their skills in a more authentic and relevant manner.

The best platforms also provide in-depth analytics on both candidates and interviewers. This data provides a wealth of insight into the performance of both parties – often including verbal communication, sentiment analysis, and facial expressions – allowing recruiters and hiring managers to make informed hiring decisions.

If you'd like to see how many of these platforms are being reviewed by your peers who use them, check out G2, TrustPilot, and TrustRadius for ratings and insights. You'll find insights on how easy these platforms are to use, how quickly they integrate with your existing systems (if they integrate with your existing systems), how much support users have access to, and how much they cost.

Armed with these insights you can book a time to demo or trial-run the best online interview platforms and see which ones offer the features that you need. Once you've taken a few of them for a test drive, you'll know which one is right for you.

Video interview platforms have revolutionized the way we interview. 

Platforms like Pillar are lowering time-to-hire as well as hiring costs, creating more efficiencies for HR teams, and increasing vital metrics for companies. Over the past 12 months, we've helped our customers lower employee turnover by more than 50% while increasing diversity hiring by more than 30%. These vital metrics are huge wins for underserved communities and the companies that are embracing them.

Thanks to video interview platforms, Ai technology is now being used as part of the recruitment process—opening up new opportunities for HR teams and creating a better hiring experience for everyone involved. As we continue to move forward in this ever-evolving space, it's important for us to keep one eye on the future and create the appropriate guide rails to ensure that we're utilizing this technology in the most beneficial and ethical way possible.

The future of video recruitment is brighter than ever – and it's just getting started!

At the end of the day, video recruitment is an ever-evolving industry. We've only scratched the surface of what it's capable of doing to improve hiring processes and help candidates reach their full potential.

If you're currently looking for an Ai powered video interview platform that can help you make better hires, book your demo to chat with someone from our team. We'd love to show you how Pillar has helped companies make better hires!