Video Interviews

Great teams start with great interviews.

By recording live interviews, our platform harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to help teams run a faster, better interview process.

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Video Interviews

Since video interviews have become "the norm," not many of us have stopped to ask the question, "Why use video interviews?" instead of in-person, face-to-face interviews? The answer is simple - but it may not be what you think. Data. Video interviews offer you the ability to screen and interview a candidate with tools like interview intelligence software running in the background without disrupting the interview. In fact, they make it easier.

If you were interviewing in person, you'd be focused on what the candidate is saying and how their body language matches up with what they're communicating. You'd be looking at how they carried themselves as they came into the meeting room or your office. You'd be assessing their handshake, how well they dressed, and what's happening in the background. That filtering takes up a lot of your mental energy, leaves room for biases to creep in, and forces you to lean heavily on your gut response to them - to the point where you may miss or misinterpret important information. With video interviews, all those filters are removed - allowing you to focus on the candidate's responses without any distractions.

It's true that video interviews are also cheaper, easier to navigate, and give you access to a global pool of talent, but the real game-changer is how much more data you can collect and analyze through video interviews. With tools like Pillar's interview intelligence software, you can capture everything from tone of voice to facial expressions to keywords used - all in real time. This deep level of data collection allows for a more comprehensive evaluation of candidates, leading to better hiring decisions.

If you're new to using tools like interview intelligence software, here are some video interview tips that can make your job much easier. Pillar offers a library of more than 1,000 interview questions that you can add to your screenings and interviews with just a few clicks. They have interview scheduling automation and automatic interviewer/ candidate introductions. They also offer video interview script examples for your interview intros, screening and interviewing questions, expectations, and more.

Before interview intelligence and other tools, all of these things would've been done by humans which leaves room for error, decreases team bandwidth, increases cost-per-hire, and influences so many other vital metrics in the hiring process. With these new solutions, you're not just streamlining your process and getting better results, but you're also staying ahead of the curve by utilizing the latest technology in hiring.

AI is poised to be the driving force behind the next technological revolution, reshaping the global landscape as we know it. Just as the Industrial Revolution transformed hiring and work practices, this new era of innovation will usher in a paradigm shift in how we hire and how we work.

Video Interviews Questions

Let's say, hypothetically, that you've come prepared for a screening with a new candidate. You've just sat down to your laptop, checked your connection, headphone settings, and Zoom or Teams, and you see the candidate logging in and checking their sound... What Now?

If you've come prepared with video interview questions, the next step is a breeze. You set expectations and dive into the interview- easy. But if you don't have questions already prepared, you may find yourself scrambling or winging it with generic questions that won't give you the insights you need to make an informed decision.

Virtual interview questions to ask candidates differ based on the position, company culture, and what you're looking for in a candidate. However, there are certain questions that can provide valuable information across the board. For example:

- How did you hear about this opportunity? This question gives insight into how engaged and resourceful the candidate is in finding job opportunities.

- What interests you about our company? This question helps to gauge the candidate's level of interest and research in your company.

- Can you tell me about a time when you faced a (specific challenge related to the role) at work? This question allows you to assess problem-solving skills, adaptability, and resilience.

- How do you handle conflicts with coworkers? This question helps evaluate conflict resolution skills and teamwork abilities.

- What are your long-term career goals? This question can provide insights into the candidate's ambitions, drive, and potential fit within your company.

These are all basic questions that need to be covered for context, but they don't fully cover a candidate's technical fit for your open role. That's where video interview software can make a huge difference. With Pillar's question prompts, you can pre-stage your qualifying questions and gather the data you need to make a well-informed decision- without needing to be a topical expert.

Say that you're an HR professional who needs to screen a software engineer. You might not have the technical knowledge to assess their coding skills, their understanding of language models, or their ability to debug code. However, by using video interview software with technical question prompts, you can still gather the necessary data to make a decision - without needing to be an expert in the field yourself.

These question libraries work like a screening superpower allowing almost anyone with basic interviewing skills and curiosity to conduct a technical screening. Even if you have technical knowledge, using these tools can save you time and effort in preparing and conducting interviews, giving you more time to focus on other important tasks like building relationships with candidates and making the best hiring decisions for your company.

Video Interview Software

As we've talked about in the previous sections, the key to conducting successful virtual interviews is having the right tools and software in place. But what about AI? What part does AI interview software play in the recruitment and selection process? and how can it benefit your organization?

AI video interview software offers advanced features and technology that go beyond just facilitating virtual interviews. It allows for more efficient and effective hiring by using artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze data from video interviews, providing insights and recommendations for the best candidates.

For example, Pillar's video interview software will look for factors such as facial expressions, voice tone and inflection, eye contact, and body language to determine a candidate's emotions, confidence level, and overall fit for the role. This data is then compiled into easy-to-understand reports that can be used to compare candidates and make more informed hiring decisions.

Not only does AI interview software analyze candidate behavior, but it also uses natural language processing (NLP) to assess the content of their responses. This can help identify keywords and phrases that align with the job requirements and company values, as well as flag any potential red flags.

In addition to saving time and effort in the screening process, AI video interview software can also help reduce unconscious bias in hiring decisions. Online interview platforms have created a new horizon of equality and inclusion in the hiring process. But that doesn't mean they're faultless. We've seen the failings of platforms built by some of the top tech companies- organizations like Google and Amazon.

The appeal of the best video interview software and solutions lies in their ability to harness the power of AI. Unlike human behavior, which can be resistant to change and growth, AI can be readily prompted and adapted. This flexibility makes it a highly attractive option in the realm of video interviews - and for companies that wish to focus increasing levels of attention on their DEI impact.

All in all, incorporating video interview software into your hiring process can greatly benefit your organization. From saving time and effort to improving the accuracy of candidate assessments, these tools can help streamline the recruitment and selection process and ultimately lead to better hiring decisions.

In today's fast-paced and digital world, video interviews are no longer an exception but the norm. Companies that adapt to this new way of recruiting will have a competitive advantage in attracting top talent. By using video interview software, organizations can streamline their recruitment process, improve candidate experience, increase efficiency and accuracy, and reduce bias - all while making better hiring decisions

If you'd like to see how our interview intelligence software has helped customers increase diversity hiring by more than 50% while lowering cost-per-hire and decreasing employee turnover by more than 50%, book your demo of our platform today. We'd love to share how you can see results like these for your organization.