Recruitment Software Tools

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Recruitment Software Tools

Recruitment can be one of the most challenging aspects of any organization- especially, if you don't have the right tools. The best recruitment software tools can make it much easier.  Luckily, in today's high-tech world, we have access to a wide range of recruitment software tools in the current technological era. These tools can help streamline your hiring process and save time and resources while finding top talent for your organization.

HR departments have a lot on their plates- from managing employee records to handling payroll, benefits, and more- they also need to find the right candidates for open positions at any given time. In this article, we'll cover some of the recruitment software tools that make up a complete hiring tech stack- from applicant tracking systems to candidate sourcing tools, and interviewing platforms.

First things first, if you're unfamiliar with the term hiring tech stack, it refers to the collection of different software tools that help HR professionals and recruiters manage their hiring process. Similar to how a kitchen has various tools like knives, cutting boards, and pots to function efficiently, an HR department needs multiple recruitment software tools to make the hiring process more manageable. So let's dive into some of these essential tools- let's start with the foundation of every hiring system, the ATS.

Applicant Tracking System (ATS):

An Applicant Tracking System is a requirement and will serve as the core HR recruitment software that all your systems run on. It acts as a central hub for all your hiring activities- from posting jobs, collecting applications, and managing resumes to scheduling interviews and tracking applicants' progress through the hiring process. Some of the best ATS software tools are Lever, Greenhouse, JazzHR, and iCIMS.

Candidate Sourcing Tools:

Once you have an applicant tracking system in place, using a tool like's Olivia will help you source candidates faster and more efficiently. This AI-powered tool can screen thousands of resumes in a minute, identify top candidates, and engage with them to schedule interviews- all while enhancing your candidate experience.

Video Interview Platforms:

The vast majority of screenings and interviews today will be done remotely, and you'll need Zoom, Teams, or Meet in order to facilitate these remote interviews. However, using tools like Spark Hire or VidCruiter can streamline the hiring process early on with features like pre-recorded interviews, automated scheduling, and candidate evaluations all in one platform.

Interview Intelligence Software:

Pillar's interview intelligence software is powered by AI and is designed to help recruiters and hiring managers make data-driven decisions. With features like interview scorecards, candidate comparisons, and feedback collection, it's an essential tool for conducting successful interviews.


We mentioned Greenhouse earlier, BambooHR also offers a great onboarding tool to help automate new hire processes. It can reduce paperwork and administrative tasks, allowing HR professionals to focus more on the new employee's integration into the company.

Once you have your tools in place, you'll want to integrate them into a complete stack- meaning that they all work together in an efficient manner so you don't have to juggle multiple systems to get things done. With the right recruitment software tools, you can streamline your hiring process and find top talent for your organization faster and more efficiently.

Software For Recruitment Process

Recruitment software examples offer many efficiencies in your hiring process.  These tools can help create an organized, streamlined process for your HR department by automating tasks such as job posting, resume management, candidate screening, and more. In addition to the software tools mentioned above, there are many other platforms that can assist with different stages of the recruitment process. Software for the recruitment process should hit a few key points:

- User-friendly: The software should be easy to use for both recruiters and candidates.

- Customizable: Every organization's hiring process is unique, so the software should be flexible enough to adapt to your specific needs.

- Integratable: As mentioned earlier, having a complete tech stack means that all your tools work together seamlessly, so look for recruitment software that can easily integrate with other platforms.

- Data-driven: With AI and data analytics becoming increasingly important in recruitment, choose software that can provide valuable insights and help you make informed decisions.

For example, LinkedIn Talent Solutions offers a platform for sourcing and attracting top talent through job postings and employer branding. This can be particularly useful for companies looking to reach a wider pool of candidates in a specific industry and it's very user-friendly.

Also, Social media management tools, such as Hootsuite or Buffer, can play a key role in recruitment by helping HR departments create and schedule social media posts to promote open positions and engage with potential candidates online. If you take all of these things into consideration when choosing solutions to empower your team and streamline your recruitment process, you'll be able to create a more efficient and effective hiring strategy.

Top Recruiting Platforms

Online recruitment platforms are everywhere today, and each one has a unique angle- but not all are going to be useful for your specific situation. Making a choice between the top recruiting platforms can be a challenge and will depend on your budget, goals, and the features you need to make your hiring process smoother. G2 lists more than 300 individual options in the "recruitment software" category (326 last I checked), and of those, many offer reviews with at least a four-star average rating.

But, just because recruiting software platforms are highly rated, doesn't make them right for your team or organization. Before finalizing your decision, research, demo, trial, and read reviews- the last thing you want is to invest time, money, and energy into implementing a new tool only to realize it's not the right fit for your needs. Remember, the goal is to make your recruitment process more manageable and efficient- so choose wisely. With a little research and an understanding of your needs, you'll be able to find the right tools that will help you hire top talent and grow your organization.

If you'd like to see the tech stack we've found to be incredibly efficient and effective for our team, you can learn more by clicking this link, "How to Build the Best Recruitment Tech Stack," or get the cliff notes by reading the summary below:

When creating an effective hiring tech stack made up of the best recruiting platforms, we look at a few things- does it give us the data we need to make great hiring decisions, is it efficient, affordable, and easy to use?

We considered a large selection of ATS systems and found that Lever offers a wide range of features and integrations, making it a great choice for any organization. Lever also has an excellent candidate experience, which is something we highly value at Pillar.

Next, you'll need candidates. We like HireEz. HireEz's recruitment marketing platform helps you reach a larger job-seeking audience while leveraging AI for pre-screening and analyzing candidate data - and with the influx of candidates, you'll probably want a digital assistant's help automating as many tasks as don't require a human touch. For AI-powered digital assistants, we like's Olivia.

Once you've scheduled candidates for screenings and interviews, Zoom or Teams can help you walk them through your interview process. We've also found that phone screenings are a great first step to narrowing down the pool of candidates before moving on to in-person meetings.

While interviewing, you'll need an interview intelligence tool to help you assess each candidate. Leveraging tools such as Pillar's interview intelligence can assist in streamlining your selection process by using AI to analyze candidate responses and provide valuable insights on their fit for your organization.

Finally, once you've made the decision, and chosen the candidate for your team, you'll need to get them started right. Onboarding solutions like BambooHR allow you to create customized onboarding plans and track progress, ensuring a seamless transition for new hires. With these tools in your recruitment tech stack, you'll be able to find top talent faster and more efficiently, leading to better hiring decisions and ultimately helping your organization grow.

Talent Acquisition Software

"So what's the best talent acquisition software?" I knew you'd ask, so this is for you. The answer is, "it depends." I know this sounds like a cop-out, but finding the best talent acquisition software for your organization is a highly individualized process that requires careful consideration of your goals and needs. However, we can provide some guidance on what to look for in talent acquisition software.

First and foremost, you'll want talent acquisition tools that work for your company size, industry, and hires. For example, if you're a small business hiring for highly specialized roles, you may not need all the features and integrations that a large corporation would require. Consider your current and future hiring needs to ensure the software can scale with your organization.

Another factor to consider is user-friendliness. Your HR team will be using this software daily, so it's essential to choose a platform that is easy to navigate and understand. Otherwise, you may end up spending more time training your team on the software than actually using it for its intended purpose.

Lastly, don't forget about having access to the right assessments and qualification tools. Tools like Codility, HackerRank, and Culture Index allow you to qualify candidates, put them into the right place for their skills in a team and organizational structure, and make informed hiring decisions. Don't overlook the importance of assessments in your talent acquisition process.

Overall, when selecting talent acquisition software, keep in mind your unique needs, budget, and goals. With a little research and trial runs you'll be able to find the right platform to help you attract top talent and build a strong team for your organization's growth.

If you're currently considering your hiring tech stack and assessment tools, chat with someone from our team. At Pillar, our mission is to help you make better hires. To see how our interview intelligence software, library of interview questions, AI-powered candidate analysis solutions, and interviewer coaching tools can benefit your recruitment process, book your demo today.