Recruiting Process

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Recruiting Process

One of the biggest trends we've seen develop over the last few years is AI in the recruiting process. Many don't realize that machine learning (ML) algorithms have been used in the recruiting process for years, but only recently have the public had access to tools like ChatGPT, Claude, and others, giving visibility to the masses.

The recruiting and selection process can be broken into several steps that AI can help automate, limiting the need for human intervention and giving bandwidth back to HR teams and recruiters. To get a better understanding of how AI can be used in recruiting, we need to first understand the full process.

The recruitment process steps can be subdivided into screening, interview, and onboarding and there are AI tools to help you create efficiencies at each step.


Screening can involve everything from reviewing resumes to conducting initial phone interviews. AI-based tools like's Olivia and HireEZ can automate this process, saving recruiters time in weeding out unqualified applicants and focusing on the right candidates.


AI-driven interview intelligence software, like Pillar, can help you conduct interviews while gathering candidate insights that may be lost in video interviews. Things like tonal changes, micro-expressions, and other signals can be detected in real-time to help you make better hiring decisions.


Once a candidate is selected, AI-driven onboarding tools can help guide new hires through the onboarding process. Automated messages, task list creation, and even automated background checks are just some of the ways that AI can streamline the onboarding process.

Using AI to automate certain parts of the recruiting and selection process can be beneficial for both employers and candidates, resulting in faster hiring, more accurate candidate matching, and less time spent on administrative tasks. AI-driven recruitment tools are becoming increasingly sophisticated with each passing year and are revolutionizing how recruiters source their talent. In some cases, it may even be a matter of time before AI completely takes over the recruiting process.

There are still aspects of the interview that require a human touch. This is why it's important to assess AI-based solutions carefully and consider how they would fit into your existing recruiting process. By using the right combination of human and automated intelligence, recruiters can create a powerful and efficient recruitment process that leads to increased retention and engagement for quality candidates.

At Pillar, we provide comprehensive interview intelligence solutions that help you identify the best candidates for your organization. With Pillar's cutting-edge AI-driven interviewing capabilities, recruiters can focus on asking the right questions and candidate responses while still getting the data they need to make their final selection.

Recruiting Process Flowchart

Let's go back to those hiring process examples and how AI can have an impact on each step. If we break the hiring and recruiting process into a flowchart, it would look like a series of if/then scenarios leading from selection criteria through a job offer.

The recruiting process flow chart shows that the recruitment and selection process begins with the creation of selection criteria and advertising open roles, followed by screening candidates and conducting interviews. After selecting a candidate, the recruiter must conduct background checks and then ultimately decide whether to make a job offer. This is a basic overview of the entire recruiting process.

Very few of the steps in the hiring process actually require a human touch - but the ones that do are vital to building a great relationship with your applicants. Screening and interviewing candidates for example is still a semi-manual process. Showing up in person to screenings and interviews gives applicants the sense that they matter, they're valued, and they're seen as an individual. It's still a vital part of the recruiting process and one that AI tools can't replace.

However, AI analytics tools like Pillar's interview intelligence software can be running in the background of each interview. Like a silent assistant taking notes, measuring responses, and providing metrics for candidate scorecards, Pillar will record, transcribe, and index each interview so it's searchable. This makes it easy to send clips of the interview to relevant stakeholders on the hiring team and track each candidate's interview journey.

When it comes to automating the recruitment and selection process, there's a lot to take in. G2 has a list of more than 270 tools in the "recruitment automation" category alone. They have another 100+ in "recruiting platforms," and over 150 for "video interviewing." As you can see, there's no shortage of tools.

But the big question is, how many of these tools will save you time, and money and be effective at achieving the goal of finding great hires more efficiently? To accomplish this, you need a stack of tools combined to make an efficient ecosystem.

Beginning with an applicant tracking software (ATS) like Lever, you'll have the foundation of all your candidate data. Then, stacking on an AI-sourcing solution like HireEZ, you'll be able to create a flow of candidates into your hiring funnel. Next, using a digital assistant like Paradox's Olivia (a digital assistant) you can streamline many of the communication aspects of your hiring process with chatbots, texting, and email automation.

Now, that you have a pool of applicants, the next step is to screen and interview them. A video interview platform like Zoom or Teams with Pillar's interview intelligence software is invaluable.

Once the screening and interview process is complete, it's time to make your decision, send out offers, and onboard your new hires. BambooHR is a great tool for managing the onboarding process. With BambooHR, you'll be able to transfer all your candidate data from the ATS to streamline and automate many of the administrative aspects of onboarding.

By using AI-driven tools throughout the recruitment process, recruiters can save time by automating mundane tasks like sorting through hundreds of resumes or manually tracking down references.

Recruitment and Selection Process in HRM

Human Resource Management (HRM) is the process by which a company hires, trains, evaluates, and compensates its employees. The recruitment and selection process in HRM serves as the cornerstone of this process. By using AI-based tools to automate certain parts of the recruitment process, companies can reduce the time spent on manual tasks such as sorting through resumes and tracking down references.

Recruiting and hiring are two of the most important functions in any HRM department, so getting them right is essential. There are recruiting process best practices that can help organizations do this more effectively. These include setting up clear goals and objectives for each step in the process, identifying the right candidate profile for each role, and creating a comprehensive onboarding process. Additionally, companies should also utilize modern technologies such as video interviewing tools and AI-driven chatbots to optimize their recruiting processes.

Another important aspect of recruitment and selection is diversity. Companies need to ensure that they create an inclusive hiring environment where everyone has equal opportunity to apply and be considered for roles. To accomplish this, companies should consider using targeted recruitment strategies to attract more diverse candidates. Additionally, they should use AI-driven interviewer coaching tools to make sure that interviews are objective and free from bias.

To continually improve, the recruiting process should also be data-driven. Companies should be leveraging analytics tools such as applicant tracking systems (ATS) to measure the effectiveness of their recruitment processes. Through ATS, companies can identify areas for improvement and make adjustments accordingly.

Finally, it's important to remember that recruitment and selection is a continuous process. Companies should constantly evaluate their recruiting processes in order to continuously improve them. For example, they should measure the success rate of their hires against key performance indicators such as employee retention rate or customer satisfaction score. This data can then be used to tweak the recruiting process accordingly.

In conclusion, the recruitment and selection process in HRM is an essential part of any company's success. By using modern technologies such as AI-driven tools, video interviewing tools, and analytics to optimize their processes, companies can ensure that they are making the right hires for each role and building a strong team with diverse backgrounds.

Ultimately, the success of a company's recruiting process is dependent on its ability to make the right hires quickly and efficiently. By implementing best practices and leveraging modern technologies such as AI-driven tools, companies can ensure that they are making informed decisions when it comes to recruitment and selection.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach, but by following the best practices outlined above, companies can make sure they have an efficient, data-driven recruiting process that will help them find the right people for each role. This will ensure that they are building a strong team with diverse backgrounds and hiring the best talent!

If you'd like to see how Pillar's interview intelligence software can connect directly to your video interview platform of choice to help you make better, data-driven hiring decisions, book your demo today. Our team would love to help you optimize your recruitment and selection process.