Interview Tools

Great teams start with great interviews.

By recording live interviews, our platform harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to help teams run a faster, better interview process.

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Interview Tools

Interviewing candidates today is no easy task. Finding the right candidate is even harder. The importance of the interview process cannot be overstated. Luckily there are hundreds of interview tools to help you along the way. From online interview tools to traditional interviewing techniques, there are many options available for employers and recruiters alike. But which interview tool is best suited for your needs?

The key to a successful interview is having access to quality tools that can help you identify strong candidates based on their experience and skills - Hopefully, you already have a few great employees who've been through a successful hiring process, let's reverse-engineer the hiring process of our best employees to determine what type of interview tool will work best for your organization.

Think back, Did your best employees come from your networks? A specific job board or hiring platform? What schools did they go to? What certifications did they have? Now that you have a general idea of where your best people came from, can you apply that to your currently open roles?

This is what we'll call your "candidate funnel." Once you have a candidate funnel outlined, there are several types of interviews you may want to try to see what's most effective for you. Virtual interviews and pre-recorded interviews are the current favorites among many companies, although many companies are going back to live, in-person interviews after the initial screening process has concluded.

The key to a successful interview is having access to quality tools that can help you identify strong candidates based on their past performance, experience, and skills. This can include job-specific online assessments, interview intelligence software, video interview platforms, and behavior-based interview assessments.

At the end of the day, it's about finding the right candidates for your organization by leveraging all available tools to their fullest potential - and there's no doubt that selecting the right candidate is a huge decision – make sure you take advantage of every tool at your disposal to ensure you make the right hire.

No matter which type of interview tool you decide to go with, remember that it's always important to present candidates with a clear and concise message regarding your company culture and expectations from the start. This will help establish trust and ensure transparency during the interview process - something every employer should strive for.

Interview Tools And Techniques

Video interview tools and techniques are becoming increasingly popular due to their ability to effectively assess potential candidates in a fraction of the time it takes for an in-person interview. Employers can now automatically scan through resumes, which use AI and ML algorithms to find candidates that match your hiring criteria, schedule a screening with them, make candidate introductions, and even record, transcribe, and index (making them searchable) interviews for future reference.

Video interview tools also allow employers to conduct multiple interviews back to back with no need for travel or time-blocking, making the hiring process more efficient than ever before. Video interviews are also ideal for remote positions since they can be conducted anytime and anywhere around the globe. Employers can gain insight into a candidate’s personality and communication skills that cannot be captured in a traditional resume.

While video interviews are the most popular form of interview tools and techniques, there are also other types of interview assessment tools that can be employed to get a better understanding of a candidate’s capabilities, such as skills tests, personality assessments, behavioral interviewing, simulations, and more. Skills tests allow employers to measure competency in specific areas while personality assessments provide insight into a candidate’s temperament and work style. Behavioral interviewing allows employers to assess how the candidate responds to certain scenarios, while simulations provide hands-on experience in assessing problem-solving skills.

No matter which type of interview tool you decide to go with, it's important that you are clear about your company's expectations from the start and ensure transparency throughout the hiring process. Interview tools for employers are made to simplify the process and help you find the right candidate, but their effectiveness depends on how you use them. With so many options available, it's important to take advantage of every tool at your disposal and be sure that you are hiring candidates who will best fit into your organization.

Let's look at some examples of interview tools to showcase what the hiring tech stack looks like. First, you'll need an applicant tracking system (ATS) as the foundation of all your candidate information and data. Then, you should probably have either a digital assistant, an AI sourcing software, or both. Once you have a solid candidate pool you'll need a video interview platform to interview them and interview intelligence software to assess them. Now you'll probably have between 3 and 6 interviews depending on who you're hiring, so you'll want skills assessment or personality assessment tools to supplement your decision-making. Finally, and most importantly, you'll want to make sure you have the right background check tools in place for any offer extensions.

With all these options available, it's easy to become overwhelmed in deciding which interview tools are best suited for your hiring needs - But having a clear understanding of what type of candidates you're looking for and the goals you hope to achieve can help make your decision easier. We can help you reverse-engineer the hiring process of our best employees so that you can find the right interview tools for your organization. Feel free to reach out to our team at set up with any questions or concerns. After helping hundreds of customers set up effective hiring systems, we’ll make sure you get the most out of your interview tools and hiring process.

Online Interview Tools

One of the newest categories of hiring platforms is AI interview tools. AI has been taking the world by storm for the last 4-5 years, but we're just now starting to see AI making an impact in the recruiting space. With the help of AI, employers can quickly and accurately screen candidates in a fraction of the time it would take for a human interviewer to do so manually.

AI interview tools such as IBM Watson come equipped with natural language processing (NLP) and deep learning capabilities that enable them to provide job-specific insights about potential candidates.

AI tools like Pillar's interview intelligence software can provide real-time feedback on the candidates’ responses during the interview. This can help employers quickly identify any discrepancies in a candidate's answers and hone in on areas that may require further attention or follow-up questions. AI tools are also able to go through interviews after they have been conducted, sorting out relevant information and providing insights about potential candidates that would be difficult for a human to capture.

These tools are also able to compare responses from multiple candidates quickly and accurately, enabling employers to easily identify the best fit for their organization. AI interview tools can also be used as a tool in the decision-making process by creating custom reports that highlight key areas of focus during an interview.

AI interview tools offer a major advantage over traditional hiring methods, as they can provide employers with a much more efficient and accurate way to evaluate candidates. AI tools are also able to process large amounts of data quickly and accurately — the kind of data that a human interviewer would be unable to capture in the same timeframe.

When equipping your team with virtual interview tools, it's important to remember that the most successful AI tools are those that are tailored to fit your organization's needs. It is also essential to invest in quality support and training for employees who will be using these tools on a regular basis. With the right setup and support, AI interview tools can dramatically reduce time-to-hire and help you find the perfect candidate for your open roles.

Recently we've seen some internally built AI hiring tools from large organizations like Amazon malfunction and cause unintended bias in their decisions. As with any new technology, it's important to not only be aware of potential pitfalls but also to have a knowledgeable team on hand that can help you spot any red flags or warning signs. AI hiring tools should always provide transparency in their decision-making process and allow employers to adjust parameters as needed.

That's why our team used inclusive hiring practices as the basis for our interview intelligence software. We want to make sure that employers are able to quickly and accurately assess candidates without any bias. While AI tools can be useful in the interview process, it's important to remember that they should always be used supplementally and never replace human judgment.

If you'd like to see how Pillar's interview intelligence solution has helped our customers increase diversity hiring practices in some cases by more than 30%, schedule your demo to chat with our team today.