Human Resources Technology Trends

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Human Resources Technology Trends

Think back to the early days of hiring. When a farmer, tradesperson, or merchant needed help in the Dark Ages, they asked a few people around them if they could spare workers or extra hands who would work for a day's wages.

As technology advanced, and world powers like the Roman Empire began to take lands and cities, a trained workforce was needed to sustain the rapid increase in need for development, food production, trade, and security. It was in Rome and China that we saw the development of "recruiter"-like roles. Individuals who were employed to find workers for a fee. The better the worker, the higher the fee.

Fast forward to the 21st century, and technology has drastically changed the way we hire. In today's world, Human Resources Technology (HRT) (also known as the HR Tech Industry) plays a crucial role in helping companies make informed decisions about their workforce. This technology ranges from advanced AI-powered interview intelligence and recruitment platforms to automated payroll systems that save companies time and money each month. The HRT industry is growing exponentially, with new trends and technologies being developed every day.

With the onset of HR technology in 2023, companies can expect to see an even greater focus on automation and streamlined processes for managing their workforce. Human resources technology trends that we see on the rise include:

  • Automation of HR tasks and processes that don't require a "human touch," such as payroll, recruiting, onboarding, performance reviews, and benefits management.
  • Implementation of AI-based tools to improve decision-making like interview intelligence software and candidate sourcing.
  • Utilization of analytics to gain insights into the performance and effectiveness of different teams or individuals.
  • Integration of employee experience programs that aim to improve engagement and retention rates among the workforce.
  • Utilization of augmented and virtual reality technology for online onboarding, training, and development initiatives (this is the big one that will shift the way we work).

All of these technologies combine to create a bright future for work, but that doesn't mean there aren't downsides. Technology in the workforce can decrease human interaction and make people more depressed due to the lack of social contact. Additionally, ethical issues can arise from automated decision-making processes and a lack of diversity in recruitment.

None of these indicate that innovation should stop or even slow, but we should be mindful of how we use technology in HR. With the right balance of innovation and human intelligence, companies like yours can leverage technology to their benefit.

Advantages Of Technology In Human Resource Management

So let's dive into the advantages of technology in human resources management. We've already talked about several of them, but the biggest two are time savings and increased bandwidth. Automated HR processes can cut down on tedious administrative work and free up employees for more strategic tasks. By utilizing the latest HR tech trends of 2023, companies will also be able to access the best talent in their areas faster than ever before. This means faster onboarding of new hires and a huge increase in productivity thanks to smarter recruiting strategies.

Another advantage is improved data analysis. By leveraging analytics tools, HR teams can gain deep insights into the performance of teams, identify trends in employee engagement and retention, and develop strategies to improve company culture. With this technology, companies can build a better working environment for everyone involved.

Finally, technology is helping human resources departments become more efficient in their day-to-day operations. Automation of tasks like payroll and benefits management can save HR teams hours every month, allowing them to focus on more important strategic initiatives.

So what does all this mean for you?

I think there are potentially two camps: One side thinks that AI will sweep on and take everyone's job, and the other thinks that you can leverage technology to free up more time for yourself and become a stronger, more knowledgeable HR professional.

Regardless of which camp you fall in, there's no doubt the role of technology is playing an increasingly large role in modern HR departments - from cloud-based HR systems to robotic process automation and AI-powered analytics tools automation and AI is changing the game.

Picture this. You open your laptop in the morning to six notifications for new applicants who've entered your candidate funnel. You're also notified that an AI chat tool sent them each a message welcoming them, making the proper introduction, and scheduling them into an interview - 100% automated.

You see that four of them scheduled screenings, but two didn't- so AI sends them a quick reminder text message with a link to book an interview. You take a deep breath, knowing that HR technology has done the heavy lifting for you and you can focus on more strategic initiatives that day.

That's the power of technology in Human Resources Management, and it's only going to get bigger. This scenario is already a reality in the HR tech landscape today- and with the right tech stack in place, you can automate almost every step.

The future looks bright for HR professionals who embrace technology. Automation will free up time to focus on strategic initiatives, analytics will provide deep insights into employee performance and engagement, and AI-powered tools will make recruitment strategies smarter than ever before. All this together means that companies will be able to operate more efficiently and give their employees a better experience.

It's an exciting time to be in HR, and the opportunities are endless. By leveraging technology, you can make your job easier and more efficient- all while helping your company reach its greatest potential.

Role Of Technology In Human Resource Management

As we've already mentioned the future of HR technology is bright. But how does technology affect HRM practices and if everything is automated, what role does the human play? This is a big question and one that will be answered differently by every organization.

The role of technology in Human Resource Management is vast but can be boiled down to three main parts: automation, analytics, and employee experience. Automation is the use of technology to streamline HR processes such as payroll, benefits management, recruiting, onboarding, and more. Analytics utilizes data from these processes to provide insights into performance, employee engagement, and retention. Lastly, the use of technology in HR supports employee experience initiatives such as virtual onboarding and training programs.

So while automation is replacing certain manual tasks, it's important to remember that the human touch still plays an essential role in HRM. If we're trying to use technology to be free from working, we're probably going to see a breakdown in communication, candidate experience, and other vital aspects of HR. The human element is still important in this equation and should not be overlooked.

Technology isn't here to take away the role of the HR professional, but rather to help free up time so that they can focus on what really matters- assessing the data to ensure that we're heading in the right direction, outlining growth strategies, and providing a great employee experience.

There's a great (albeit slightly one-sided) article on that mentions 8 Famous AI or Analytics Disasters that happened in the US in the last 18-24 months. Each of them represents a time when these high-tech tools weren't managed well and it's a cautionary tale for all of us to learn from. None of the cases mentioned included mal-intent but all of them led to systems getting out of control because their impact wasn't monitored appropriately.

It's important to keep this in mind whenever we're utilizing AI or analytics tools. Technology comes with great advantages, but it also presents huge risks that can affect people's lives. By understanding the potential risks and developing a plan of action for when something goes wrong, we can ensure that our HR tech stack is helping us move forward rather than holding us back.

As we move forward, let's remember that technology is here to help us, not replace us. At the end of the day, it's important to remember that technology is a tool- not an answer or a solution. When used correctly in Human Resource Management, it can be beneficial and increase efficiency, but it should always have a human touch involved for a truly successful outcome.

In summary, we are living in an era of rapid technological advancement and this is especially true for Human Resource Management. There are lots of opportunities to leverage technology to increase efficiency, streamline processes, and create a better employee experience. Used correctly, HR tech can be one of the most powerful force multipliers on a team.

One such tool is Pillar's interview intelligence software. If you'd like to see how our AI hiring solution can help save you time and money in the hiring process by automating things that don't require a human touch, book your demo to chat with someone on our team, today!