Future of Recruitment

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Future of Recruitment

Technology is growing exponentially today - and, staying ahead of the competition is not only difficult, but it's also critical. One area where this is particularly important is talent acquisition. Looking back, 2022 was a hard year for startups- and 2023 didn't get off to a greater start. With massive lay-offs, rapid Ai adoption, and SVB going bust, everyone has been on edge waiting for the proverbial "other shoe to drop."

As we look to 2023 and beyond, there are several future trends in recruitment that are shaping the way organizations find, attract, and retain top talent. In this blog post, we'll explore some of these future trends in recruitment and what they mean for recruiting in 2023. From artificial intelligence and automation to diversity and inclusion, the world of recruitment is rapidly evolving. By understanding these trends, recruiters and HR professionals can stay ahead of the curve and ensure that their organizations are well-positioned to attract and retain the best talent in the years to come.

The future of recruitment is one that combines the latest tech advancements with an understanding of people's individual strengths and weaknesses to create a personalized job search experience for each candidate. This is where AI-driven recruitment comes in. Already, AI-based tools are being used by employers to make more informed hiring decisions by understanding a candidate's skills, past experience, and potential fit for the job. One such tool is interview intelligence software by Pillar.

Pillar's Ai powered video interview platform helps to analyze candidate responses and identify the best-fit candidates for a particular job. This type of AI-driven tool gives us a window into the future of recruitment as these platforms get more powerful and better at identifying great employees.

Tech Hiring Trends of 2023

Since we've just closed Q1, I can say with confidence that tech in 2023 is going to get insane. Insane is a strong word (I know), but since autoGPT was just released last week and is already above 50K users, I think we can all agree that tech trends are going to be reshaped by Ai in 2023.

AI Technology is moving forward at breakneck speeds - as a result, we can expect to see several emerging trends in tech hiring that will shape the recruitment landscape. Here are some of the key tech hiring trends to watch for in 2023:

1. Increased focus on digital skills: With digital transformation accelerating across all industries, employers will place a greater emphasis on candidates with digital skills like content creation, prompt engineering, coding, and software development. But not just technical skills - also the ability to think creatively and innovatively in a digital environment and communicate in an effective way.

2. Shift in remote work: The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the shift towards remote work, and this trend is likely to continue in 2023 and beyond. Interestingly enough, many companies are shifting to hybrid work environments with mandatory in-office times each week. So where are we headed? For some, "in-office" will be a requirement, but overall, the global workforce wants more freedom, so companies will have to adjust to employees' needs as global competition for talent grows.

3. Use of AI and automation: Artificial intelligence and automation are transforming the recruitment process, and this trend is set to continue in 2023. From screening resumes and sourcing candidates to automating interview questions and conducting interviews, AI-powered tools can help employers streamline the hiring process and identify the best candidates more efficiently.

4. Focus on diversity: In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of diversity in the workplace - this will continue to shape the workforce and help companies solve problems in increasingly interesting ways.

5. Rise of skills-based hiring: With the rapid pace of technological change, traditional qualifications and degrees are becoming less relevant. In 2023, we can expect to see a greater focus on skills-based hiring, with employers placing greater emphasis on candidates' practical skills and experience.

As these tech hiring trends in 2023 continue to shift the landscape, recruiters and HR professionals will need to adapt their strategies to stay ahead of the curve. Embracing emerging technologies like interview intelligence, and focusing on diversity, skills, and remote work, employers can attract and retain the best tech talent and build teams that are well-equipped to thrive in the digital age.

Recruitment Trends Post COVID

Not to relive a dark time in human history, but the global pandemic created what many millennials are referring to as "the lost years." Like the dark ages, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the way people have viewed work over the last 3 years. As we emerge from the pandemic, we can expect to see several recruitment trends post-COVID that will shape the way organizations hire and retain top talent.

One of the most significant recruitment trends post-COVID is the rise of "where-ever work." The pandemic forced many organizations to shift to remote work arrangements, and this trend is likely to continue in the post-pandemic era - but for many tech employees, it has become a ticket to freedom. Working from a beach, lakeside, or on the side of a mountain with Starlink is now possible.

As a result, recruiters and HR professionals will need to adapt their recruitment strategies to attract, engage, and retain top talent in a remote work environment. A few of my friends have gotten offers from great companies and once they learned that there were mandatory office hours each week, they turned down the offer in favor of more flexible work opportunities.

Another recruitment trend post-COVID is the increased use of technology in the recruitment process. With in-person interviews and recruitment events on hold during the pandemic, many organizations turned to virtual recruiting projects to connect with candidates. This trend is likely to continue post-pandemic, with organizations leveraging technology to attract and retain top talent from a wider pool of candidates.

Finally, the pandemic has highlighted the importance of agility in the recruitment process. With the business landscape rapidly changing, recruiters and HR professionals will need to be able to pivot quickly and adapt to new challenges. This will require the development of talent acquisition projects that are flexible, adaptable, and able to respond to changing market conditions.

As we look ahead to a post-COVID world, organizations that are able to adapt to these recruitment trends will be well-positioned to attract and retain top talent in a rapidly changing business environment. By embracing remote work, leveraging technology, and prioritizing agility in their recruitment strategies, organizations can build teams that are well-equipped to succeed in the post-pandemic era.

Recruitment Trends 2023

We've alluded to some of these in previous sections, but the biggest factors to talent acquisition in 2023 are going to shift the way people work and technology.

One of the most significant recruitment trends in 2023 will be the increased use of artificial intelligence and automation in the recruitment process. From candidate screening to scheduling interviews, AI-powered tools can help recruiters streamline the hiring process and identify the best candidates more efficiently.

Another future trend in recruitment is the continued focus on diversity and inclusion. Employers are recognizing the importance of building diverse teams that reflect the communities they serve. In 2023, we can expect to see a greater emphasis on hiring candidates from underrepresented groups and creating an inclusive work environment.

Hiring in 2023 will also be influenced by the growing importance of digital skills. With digital transformation accelerating across all industries, employers will place a greater emphasis on candidates with digital skills and the ability to think creatively and innovatively in a digital environment.

Finally, talent acquisition trends in 2023 will be shaped by the expansion of remote work and the tools that the global workforce uses to increase their own freedom and work-life balance. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the shift towards remote work, although some companies have found that this has decreased productivity. Overall, this trend is likely to continue in the years to come. Recruiters and HR professionals will need to adapt their recruitment strategies to attract and retain top talent in this new environment.

By embracing these recruitment trends in 2023, organizations can build teams that are well-equipped to succeed in a rapidly changing business landscape. From AI-powered tools like interview intelligence software and diversity initiatives to digital skills and remote work, the future of recruitment is bright for those who stay ahead of the curve.

Future of Recruitment

The future of recruitment is bright, and future trends in recruitment show that recruiting goals for 2023, as well as technological and economic growth, are going to mean huge opportunities for those in the space.  

Recruiters should focus on understanding the changing landscape and embracing new technologies, and organizations must place a greater emphasis on the things that matter most to top talent.

Interview trends in 2023 show that companies are focussing less on resumes and more on the human's ability to get results, perform well in their role, and solve problems creatively. 

Big corporations that stay agile will continue to be a large vacuum for top talent as they have the recruiting mechanisms in place as well as graduate and post-graduate level projects to complete. Companies that don't have the financials and resources to compete with the big players will need to focus on developing a culture of trust, collaboration, and meaningfulness in order to attract top talent and stay competitive.

Hiring Trends 2023

The future of talent acquisition and hiring trends all point to things staying the same. Companies are still going to be interested in finding the right people that can fit into their culture, but they will also be looking to find candidates with soft skillsets and a willingness to learn. Equipping a hungry team is easier than trying to equip a team that is complacent and uninterested.

If hiring trends in 2023 remain the same, employers will focus on candidates with diverse backgrounds, interesting stories, incredible life experiences, and unique perspectives so they can create a well-rounded workplace. Companies are also going to focus more on work-life balance and employee engagement in order to keep employees productive and loyal. 

With increased competition comes an increased emphasis on cultural fit when recruiting. At Pillar, we've built our platform to help you create incredible, effective, and diverse teams. If you'd like to see how we've helped our customers drive vital metrics like lowering employee turnover by more than 50% in the last 12 months, book your demo today.