Diverse Hiring Practices

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Diverse Hiring Practices

Over the last few years, the world has become a far smaller place. From social media platforms that allow us to connect with friends from all over the globe to Wifi access that touches almost 65% of the world's population, we can now connect with almost anyone, anywhere, at any time.

But this level of access has also brought new challenges to light. To illustrate this point, consider the hiring process: a once straightforward task can become complex- especially when you factor in diverse hiring practices. One particular challenge we've seen create hiring hurdles is the presence of names on resumes which may be unfamiliar or difficult to pronounce for some, leading to subconscious bias in selection. Similarly, an applicant’s accent might pose communication difficulties, and rather than addressing and accommodating these differences, hiring managers might opt for the seemingly "easier" choice. These are just a few examples of the hurdles that inadvertently lead to less diverse teams. Despite the best intentions, these minor yet significant issues can compromise the spirit of diversity in the workplace and hinder inclusivity.

What is Diversity Hiring:

The very definition of diversity hiring in the workplace is to actively seek out and hire individuals from a wide range of backgrounds, cultures, genders, ages, religions, and abilities. It aims to create a diverse workforce that reflects the diversity within society. Allowing people to feel adequately represented within their organization. A.K.A. to build a more inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

But why should organizations prioritize diversity hiring practices?

What is Diversity Recruiting and How Does it Impact Your Organization:

Firstly, diversity hiring brings different perspectives and ideas to the table. If you look at diverse teams, they include people from different walks of life, which means problems can be scrutinized from different angles, varied hypotheses can be tested, and many solutions can be identified for each problem.

According to a 2018 study by McKinsey & Company, companies with the most ethnically diverse executive teams are 33% more likely to outperform their peers on profitability. This finding is not an anomaly; rather, it is a consistent trend that has been observed over several years and across multiple countries and industries. It suggests a direct correlation between diversity and profitability.

Additionally, diversity hiring extends benefits beyond profitability. A 2017 report by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) found that companies with more diverse management teams have 19% higher revenues due to innovation. This finding indicates that diversity is not just a metric to be strived for but is an integral part of a successful profit strategy.

Therefore, a strategic approach to diversity hiring can lead to financial gains, more innovative problem-solving, and an improved company image. It is clear that diversity hiring is not just a moral obligation or a compliance requirement; it is a business imperative that drives success.

At Pillar, we've been able to implement interview intelligence solutions into our customer's hiring processes that have increased diverse hiring by up to 59%. Helping teams make better hiring decisions and build more inclusive teams.

Examples Of Diverse Hiring Practices

So now that you know the possible impact of building a diverse team, let's talk about how to create a diverse recruiting strategy and implement it. There are 3 parts to a great diversity and inclusion hiring strategy. A Goal, Action, Measured Results.

1. Setting the goal:

Creating a diverse hiring strategy can be as simple as looking around at the percentage of individual demographics in your current team and setting a goal to improve those numbers. For example, if your organization has predominantly male employees, you could set a goal of increasing female representation by 50% within the next year. This specific goal provides direction and purpose for your diversity hiring efforts.

2. Taking Action:

Examples of diverse hiring practices and actions that lead to a more inclusive work environment may include:

- Diversity Panels: Invite individuals from different backgrounds, cultures, and demographics to speak at your company's events or participate in panel discussions. This not only exposes your current employees to diverse perspectives but also presents opportunities for networking and recruitment.

- Blind Resumes: Implementing blind resumes can eliminate unconscious biases during the initial stages of resume screening. By removing names, gender markers, and other identifying information, hiring managers are forced to focus solely on the applicant's qualifications and experience.

- Diverse Job Posting: Ensure that your job postings use inclusive language and avoid gendered terms, such as "rockstar" or "ninja", which may discourage certain demographics from applying. Also, consider posting job openings on diverse platforms and communities to reach a wider pool of candidates.

3. Measuring Results:

To determine the effectiveness of your diversity hiring efforts, it is essential to track and measure results. This could include tracking demographics within your organization, conducting surveys to assess employee satisfaction and inclusion, and constantly reviewing and updating your strategies to ensure continuous improvement.

If you think of your hiring processes through a S.M.A.R.T. Goal Framework, you can set targets, implement actions, and track progress. S.M.A.R.T stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable Realistic, and Timely.

These are all things that should be included in your inclusive hiring checklist so you're equipped with activities that will help you stay on target.

Keep in mind that diverse hiring is not just about meeting quotas or fulfilling compliance requirements; it is about creating a truly inclusive environment that values and embraces diversity in all its forms. People spend up to half their waking hours "at work." They want a place where they're seen, known, and accepted - let's give them the dignity of knowing they're valued.

Diversity Recruitment Strategies

How to recruit diverse candidates:

Recruiting diverse candidates is far easier than you may think. Think of diversity hiring like going to a gym or joining a club or hobby group. People flock to places where they share similar interests and commonalities. So, to attract diverse candidates to your organization, you need to go where they are. This could mean sponsoring or participating in cultural events, joining job boards, recruiting from BootCamp-like organizations, attending conferences, or hosting workshops that attract a diverse crowd. It might involve partnering with organizations or colleges that promote diversity and inclusion. It could also mean being active on social media platforms or community networks where diverse groups congregate.

There are many organizations out there creating opportunities for people with specific traits in specific roles - for example, Women Who Code. Some organizations focus on specific cultures, backgrounds, or minorities. Keep in mind that diverse recruiting goes beyond just race and gender; it includes age, sexuality, disability, and other factors as well- which is why these are all things to include in diversity recruitment strategies and training.

Another essential aspect to remember when recruiting diverse candidates is to ensure your company's values align with diversity and inclusion. A few years ago, I met a blind coder. It was fascinating to me that he had all of the tools he needed to write code, test it, de-bug it, and deploy it - all without being able to see. Now, I don't know what his interview process looked like, but I can imagine a significant number of companies in the market today would struggle to interview a person with blindness for a coding role.

I'm not telling you this to disparage your hiring processes but to make you think about how to engage new and untapped markets of talent you may never have engaged before. Diversity hiring strategy examples like this create new talent pools of individuals who'd love to be contributing members of a team.

In conclusion, creating a diverse and inclusive workspace can positively impact your organization in numerous ways. From encouraging innovation to fostering a sense of belonging among employees, diversity hiring practices are instrumental in building successful teams. By setting clear goals, taking actionable steps, and measuring results, you can transform your organization into a beacon of inclusivity.

At Pillar, we understand that it can be challenging to navigate this process, which is why our team is equipped with tools to help you get results. Our interview intelligence software was created on principles of DEI to make sure you're increasing vital hiring metrics while streamlining and optimizing your hiring practices. Struggling to build the team you want? Give us a try!

Book your demo of Pillar today to see how we've helped customers increase diversity hiring by almost 60%!