Best Platform For Hiring

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Best Platform For Hiring

Recruitment systems and talent acquisition software have changed the hiring game, especially since the introduction of AI, but recruiting goals are still the same- "Find the best people who fit your culture and roles, and put them to work in a rewarding, inclusive, and productive environment."

What we used to do with a resume, a notepad, and a pen, is now done in the cloud. The best platforms for hiring have all gone online and are becoming increasingly sophisticated, offering more ways to evaluate job applicants and find the right candidate for the job.

Before we dive into the best recruiting software examples, please note that we won't be able to cover all aspects of this topic in a short article. Nor will we be able to list all of the hiring platforms available since G2 and other review sites list more than 300 of them. Today our goal is to give you an idea of the best tools to help you create an efficient and effective hiring stack that will help you onboard the best people to your teams.

We should also note that each of these suggestions will change slightly based on the industry that you're in, the level you're hiring, the roles that are open, and the assessments you're using. So it's important to look at several options and find the right fit for your company.

How to Evaluate Recruitment Software:

When evaluating a hiring platform, pay attention to its features: Are they comprehensive? Does it track candidates well? Is it easy to use? Does it have an API integration with other third-party tools available in the market? Is there any AI-driven functionality included? Is it integrated with any assessment tools?

Also, review the customer support—do they have a robust customer service team that can help you quickly implement and use their platform effectively? Is the platform cost-effective and efficient or does it require your team to do more work?

When putting together a hiring tech stack, start with an assessment of your current needs. Are you struggling to find candidates? Struggling to qualify them? Are applicants not passing screenings or drug testing? Or, maybe they're leaving soon after they join the company leading to high attrition and turnover rates. In other words, where's the biggest choke point in your hiring funnel right now?

Once you've identified this bottleneck, it should be pretty clear what you'll need to fix it. Let's look at an example. Say that you're hiring Account Executives but they're leaving after 1- 2 quarters with the company. When you review sales numbers, you see that the number of leads each AE is getting is low and realize that you need someone far better at outbound cold emailing to fill the pipeline rather than someone who's only good at selling. While this could be construed as a marketing problem it can also be a qualification problem when hiring.

Without much trouble, you could add interview intelligence software to your tech stack and add questions to each AE screening that identified their ability to generate leads from cold outbound emailing, and that in turn would boost pipeline performance. Plus, if you use a tool like Pillar, you have an entire question library of more than 1,000 interview questions that can be added to your screening and interview calls with just a couple of clicks.

At the end of the day, you need to find a platform that can help you efficiently and quickly screen candidates for the best fit. In addition to AI-driven technology such as interview intelligence software, look into tools like video interviews, resume parsing and screening software, and automated reference checks. All these are essential in helping you make an informed decision when finding the best people for your open roles.

Best Hiring Platforms For Employers

So let's get into platforms. Online recruitment platforms are all the rage right now because they save time, money, and energy, allowing HR teams to focus on what really matters: building relationships with their candidates.

The best hiring platforms for employers will allow you to post job listings, have a CRM-like system that allows you to track candidate progress easily, assess skills quickly, pre-qualify applications via automated processes like resume screening software or video interviews, and run background checks. Most solutions won't be a one-stop shop, you'll need to stack a few platforms together to create a holistic ecosystem.

For starters, you'll need a source of truth or foundation of your hiring tech stack. Solutions like Lever (our personal favorite ATS system) are great at this. As you progress through your stack, you'll want to add hiring automation software, AI sourcing, or Digital Assistants like HireEZ and Paradox.

HireEZ and help you automate your pipeline from start to finish. You'll be able to manage all of your job postings, applications, pre-screening processes, interviews, and assessments in one place. It's an efficient way to fill multiple openings with the best candidates while handling a lot of administrative tasks like scheduling automatically.

You should also consider tech hiring platforms that offer assessments as part of their package. Platforms like HireVue offer a suite of assessments that help weed out the bad applicants from the really good ones. These assessments measure candidates for job-specific skills, soft skills, language, communication, problem-solving, and more—and they're all available on one platform.

Next, you'll need a video interview platform like Zoom or Teams with interview intelligence software powered by AI. Pillar's interview intelligence software helps you quickly identify the best candidates by coding the conversation and grading candidate responses. That way, you can easily compare one candidate to another and get an accurate assessment of their skills, knowledge, or experience in a fraction of the time.

Once the candidates have been through the interview process automated reference checks are essential for any tech stack. Automated tools like RefCheck help employers verify applicant’s information, experiences, and past career history quickly and accurately. This way you can rest easy knowing that you're only hiring top-notch talent with the most accurate information.

Finally, once all of these steps are done, it's time to make an offer! A platform like Offerspark lets employers track offers from start to finish so they know what's going on at every stage of the process. They can manage offers, negotiate salaries, and track candidate responses from anywhere in the world.

Once the offer has been accepted, onboarding software like BambooHR will help the new hire get up and running quickly. Onboarding software is an important part of any tech stack because it helps employers move from candidate to employee quickly without having to worry about paperwork or compliance issues.

At the end of the day, it's essential that you choose the right technology for your needs. Evaluate each platform on its own merits—look at pricing, customer service, features, and ease of use—and find the best hiring platform for your needs. Once you've got a tech stack that works for you, it can make all the difference in your recruitment process.

Tech Hiring Platforms

AI has changed online recruitment platforms. Barring a few stories that we've seen from big companies the tech industry as a whole is becoming more inclusive, diverse, and equitable because of them. The failures seem to make headlines, but the successes are often overlooked.

Tech hiring platforms have been incredibly successful in helping employers find talent quickly and efficiently, but what most people don't know is that they've also been instrumental in creating a more equitable recruitment process. AI-driven technology like resume screening software and automated reference checks have opened up opportunities for those who may not traditionally have access to them.

At the same time, tech hiring platforms have made it easier to find and hire top talent from all walks of life. From big companies like Microsoft to small startups like Pillar, these platforms are revolutionizing how employers recruit, screen, and onboard candidates.

When evaluating top recruiting platforms, look for those that offer features like personalized candidate search capabilities, automated reference checks, coding questions, video interviews, and AI-driven insights. All of these features help employers quickly identify candidates that best fit their needs while making sure they are compliant with regulations and laws.

Tech hiring platforms have come a long way in recent years and the future is looking even brighter. With the right technology, employers can streamline their recruitment process to find the best candidates quickly and efficiently. That's why Pillar is proud to be one of the best hiring platforms for employers worldwide. We make tech hiring easier than ever before so you can focus on what matters most: building better teams.

If you'd like to see how Pillar helps our customers lower employee turnover by up to 50% while decreasing time-to-hire and cost-per-hire, schedule a demo to chat with someone from our team. We'd love to show you how we can help you make better hires.