Benefits Of Video Interviewing For Candidates

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Benefits Of Video Interviewing For Candidates

The rapid adoption of video interviews marked a significant advancement in how companies approached the concept of hiring. Formerly, the interview process was costly, inefficient, and time-consuming. Recruiters had to sift through numerous resumes, schedule and conduct multiple in-person interviews, and evaluate candidates based on their gut feelings and interview performance. Quite often, this meant inefficient processes, drab meetings, paying for flights, overnight stays in hotels, and recruiter commissions on candidates that weren't guaranteed to stay long-term.

However, video interviews changed all that. When companies implemented virtual interviews recruitment costs dropped by 50-70%. Companies no longer had to spend hundreds of dollars on travel expenses and could significantly reduce the time spent interviewing candidates by leveraging tools like Zoom and Teams.

Online Interview Description

"Virtual," "video," and "online interviews" are terms used interchangeably to describe the process of conducting a job interview via a video interview platform. Video interviews take many forms from live one-on-one interviews (standard) to live one-to-many interviews (panel or team interviews), and pre-recorded video interviews. Regardless of the type, video interviews simulate face-to-face interviews in a virtual setting without being locked into a geographical location.

Online Interview - Reasons To Use

  1. Convenience and Flexibility: One of the primary reasons for using video interviews is convenience and flexibility. Job candidates can complete a video interview from the comfort of their own homes, saving time and money on travel expenses. They can also choose to schedule the interview at a time that works best for them, eliminating scheduling conflicts and reducing stress.
  2. Cost-Effective: As mentioned earlier, video interviews significantly reduce recruitment costs for companies. This not only benefits the company but also the candidate as it allows companies to invest more resources in employee development and benefits.
  3. Time-Saving: With video interviews, there is no need to schedule multiple in-person interviews, reducing the time spent on the hiring process. This is beneficial for both the company and the candidate, as it allows for a quicker decision-making process.
  4. Increased Reach: Video interviews allow companies to reach a larger pool of candidates, including those who may not be able to travel for an in-person interview. This opens up opportunities for diverse candidates and promotes inclusive hiring practices.
  5. Equal Opportunity: Video interviews can help reduce bias in the hiring process by focusing on a candidate's qualifications and skills rather than physical appearance or other demographic factors.

Video interviews have become the standard in recruitment, offering a powerful combination of benefits. But, the benefits of video interviewing for candidates are equally impactful as you've seen, driving fairness, objectivity, and diversity, allowing candidates to be in a comfortable environment,  and avoiding the stress of travel.

You can also integrate sample video interview questions and answers into your hiring process with tools like interview intelligence software. Interview intelligence is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) hiring tool that uses advanced algorithms to analyze a candidate's skills and responses. Solutions like Pillar uncover interview insights helping you make better hiring decisions while eliminating bias and ensuring objectivity.

Benefits Of Video Interviews

If you're looking at the benefits of video interviews, particularly from a candidate's perspective, there are many. But before we get to that, candidates need to understand that these virtual interviews, meaning they're not in-person, are particularly beneficial for them. Interviews conducted over the internet using video technology, especially AI, are looked at a bit differently than in-person interviews. Regulations around what AI can and can't do in interviews are increasing. This means fair and consistent interviewing practices that consistently encourage a better candidate experience.

Next, video interviews eliminate the need to make a physical appearance. This means unparalleled convenience and accessibility- which leads me to our next point.

One of the most significant benefits of video interviews is the remarkable flexibility they offer. Candidates can interview with potential employers from anywhere in the world, as long as they have an internet connection. Imagine having to fly to the UK, Germany, Japan, India, or Singapore to interview for a role. Not with video interviews. Simply put some clothes on... (please do this first- we don't want to see your "whitey-tighty" clad interview disaster on YouTube later... or maybe we do, but you don't! haha) and fire up your laptop. With Wifi, you can attend an interview from the comfort of your home office, a beach cabana, or a quiet café.

However, the virtual interview’s meaning to candidates goes far beyond this level of convenience. Video interviews and modern solutions like Pillar's interview intelligence software level the playing field when it comes to accessibility. Candidates who may not have the ability, financial means, or health to travel long distances can use video interviews to have an equal opportunity to apply for and land great jobs. This inclusivity boosts diversity in the workplace by ensuring that talent, not location, is the key deciding factor for the role.

Looking ahead to the future of video interviews, we're already starting to see things like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) enter the hiring markets. Innovative analysis solutions powered by AI have been around for a few years but we're seeing them reshaped by government regulation and widespread adoption by big companies in the space too.

Pretty soon, technologies like Apple's Vision Pro and Meta's Quest 3 will shift how we work, and how we apply to do so. As companies become more comfortable with remote work, the ability to interview and work from any location can open doors to global employment opportunities like never before. The future of video interviews is bright.

Comparing Video Interviews And Traditional Interviews

I like lists of pros and cons, they make comparisons easy. When comparing video interviews with traditional interviews, you can easily see that each format offers advantages and drawbacks. This section of the article will cover what we feel are accurate representations of the pros and cons of interviews conducted in each format- and hopefully offer you some perspective on how each medium can affect the process. 

Pros of Traditional Interviews:

  1. Personal Connection: Face-to-face interactions facilitate a stronger connection and rapport between the interviewer and candidate. This can lead to a more engaging and memorable discussion.
  2. Environmental Insights: Candidates have the opportunity to visit a prospective workplace, and gain a sense of the company culture, people, and environment.
  3. Non-Verbal Cues: Physical presence allows for the observation of non-verbal cues, which can be crucial for both parties to gauge enthusiasm, confidence, and fit. However, as we'll discover later, interview intelligence has made this last point less of a factor than ever before.

Cons of Traditional Interviews:

  1. Logistical Challenges: Traveling for an interview can be time-consuming and expensive, posing an unnecessary burden on candidates, especially if they are interviewing with multiple companies.
  2. Accessibility Barriers: Physical interviews can be less accessible for individuals with disabilities or those living far from the prospective employer’s location.

Pros of Video Interviews:

  1. Convenience: Video interviews eliminate the need for travel, allowing candidates to participate from anywhere (wearing anything you like), reducing stress, and saving time.
  2. Broader Accessibility: They offer a more inclusive option for candidates who may face physical, financial, or geographical barriers to attending in-person interviews.
  3. Efficiency: Scheduling is often more flexible, and the process can be expedited, benefiting both the company and the candidates.

Cons of Video Interviews:

  1. Possible Technical Issues: Connectivity problems or software glitches may disrupt the flow of conversation and potentially impact a candidate’s performance. An easy way to fix this is with a contingency plan.
  2. Less Personal Interaction: The absence of physical presence can make it harder to build rapport or read nuanced non-verbal cues, potentially leading to misinterpretations.

Tips to Ace Video Interviews

To excel in video interviews, candidates should consider the following advice:

  • Test Your Tech: Prior to the interview, ensure your camera, microphone, headphones, and internet connection are working smoothly to prevent disruptions and distractions. If you have an Apple device, putting it into the "Do-Not-Disturb" setting can also be beneficial.
  • Create a Professional Setting: Choose a quiet, well-lit space for the interview. A neutral background can help maintain the focus on you. Using distracting filters and "green screens" will only complicate the interview - keep it simple. Blur your background if necessary but that's about as complicated as it should be.
  • Practice Digital Communication: Because expressing enthusiasm and professionalism can be more challenging without face-to-face interaction, practice your speaking manner and body language to convey these qualities effectively.
  • Prepare as You Would for an In-Person Interview: Research the company, rehearse answers to common interview questions, and dress professionally to make the best possible impression.

In conclusion, comparing video interviews with traditional interviews will equip you with the knowledge and application to excel in either setting. By following these straightforward tips, you can present yourself in the best possible light, regardless of whether you're engaging through a screen or in a face-to-face meeting.

If you'd like to see how interview intelligence can help you create better video interviews that net better candidates, book a demo of Pillar today.