AI Video Interview

Great teams start with great interviews.

By recording live interviews, our platform harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to help teams run a faster, better interview process.

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AI Video Interview

One of the biggest challenges that stay-at-home orders presented to companies during the COVID-19 pandemic were finding and onboarding top talent. It was one of the first times in history that new employees wouldn't meet their team face-to-face until 6 months or even a year after they joined a company- meaning that it was more important than ever to find the right fit. This is why companies turned to AI Video Interviews.

AI Video Interview solutions like Pillar allow companies to quickly and easily conduct video interviews with job candidates from around the world. Thanks to AI technology, these interviews are recorded, indexed, transcribed, and assessed by Ai to uncover details about the candidate that human eyes may have missed. Microexpressions, inflections, tonal changes, and other factors can be quickly identified with Ai.

Tools like Pillar's interview intelligence software are rapidly growing in popularity due to their ability to facilitate and automate many core aspects of the hiring process. Things like, automated candidate/ interviewer introductions, interview scheduling, and interviewer assessment and coaching. Effectively helping both the company and the candidate.

This "task automation" saves time and adds objectivity to the interview process, making it easier to compare candidates and select the best person for a job. Not only do AI Video Interviews save time for hiring teams, but they also make it easier for candidates to prepare and perform.

This article will help you navigate the use of Ai Interview Software in your hiring process, and give you tips, questions, and other things to be aware of as you're researching which platforms best fit your needs and team.

Before we get into the content, Ai video interview tips and tricks abound online today. So if you're new to this topic, be aware that everyone has an angle. We've seen what can happen when even the most technologically advanced companies like Amazon don't monitor the outcomes of their Ai hiring technology. In late 2018, Reuters released an article mentioning that Amazon would be scrapping its Ai recruiting tool because it showed bias against hiring women.

So, how do you mitigate making the same mistake? Remember when I said that everyone has an angle? At Pillar, we prioritize diversity and inclusion practices in our hiring process so that we don't face similar challenges. We've helped our customers increase diversity hiring by up to 30% in most cases - and for a few, even more than that. We make sure that our customers have the resources within our interview intelligence platform to make the best hiring decisions for their company's growth and long-term goals.

As we dive into some of the deeper topics around Ai, that's our "angle." Helping you use Ai to make better hires that lead to lower employee turnover, a more inclusive culture, and healthier companies.

AI Interview Questions and Answers

So let's begin with a question. What's the most difficult part of the interview process for you? I'd imagine if you're reading this, you're a practitioner in our space. Whether you're an HR professional, a hiring manager, or a recruiter - you're probably here looking for solutions to make your role just a bit better.

So let's look at how Ai can help with that. First, let's start with the basics. What is Ai and why should I use it for interviewing? Critical questions about artificial intelligence pervade the internet today, so let's set a baseline:

Ai stands for Artificial Intelligence and it's a powerful tool to use in the interview process. It's all the rage right now, as early adopters flock to find the best ways to utilize it. Modern Ai as we know it became commercially available on Nov. 20th, 2022 when ChatGPT launched in beta form to the public. But what most people don't realize is that Ai has been quietly operating behind the scenes in many of the platforms like Youtube, Amazon, and even at the biggest investment groups like BlackRock. We use Ai every single day and probably don't even realize it.

In chatbots, Ai works by understanding human language (most of the time), searching through databases of answers to find the best responses to questions, and using algorithms to identify patterns in communication. Ai models like ChatGPT use language modeling (NLP and LLM primarily) to interact with humans in a helpful way and are designed to replicate the way humans think, learn, and make decisions.

Ai algorithms can process data faster than any human could, making them perfect for automating tasks like screening resumes, assessing transcripts, and interview scheduling. Ai also makes it easier to compare candidates and select the best person for your open roles. Ai can also help you better understand a candidate as it can quickly and accurately analyze facial expressions, speech patterns, and language nuances. Furthermore, Ai enables interviewers to spend less time on mundane tasks like scheduling interviews or providing feedback and more time getting to candidates.

Good questions to ask about Artificial Intelligence before deciding upon a platform or software include: What type of Ai technology does the platform use? How secure is it? Does it require training data and if so, how much? Is it scalable and cost-effective for my organization?

Another thing that you should consider when assessing Ai interview platforms is their question library. One of the most frustrating things in the interview process is coming up with a set of good questions to ask. That's why Pillar makes our Ai interview questions and answers available to interviewers in our dashboard. We have over a thousand to choose from that are designed to uncover a candidate's true potential. Our customers use these questions to get the best understanding of each candidate and make better hiring decisions.

AI Interview Software

Thus far, we've talked about Ai interview software and the ways it can help your team. But, for this section, let's focus on how Ai video interview software can help you and your candidates have the best interview experience.

There are several key features to look for in an Ai video interview software platform. The first and most important is ease of use. If you're not familiar with technology, this can be a huge barrier to entry into the world of Ai-driven interviewing. Pillar simplifies this process by providing a simple, intuitive dashboard for customers to use. It's designed to be user-friendly right out of the box and requires no coding knowledge to operate.

Second, different organizations have different needs when it comes to interviews - so make sure that the Ai video interview software that you use will help you in every interview. No matter the hire, title, or level you're hiring.

Third, ensure that it can capture the full breadth of information needed to make an informed hiring decision- this helps with candidate scoring (something that's built into Pillar),  assessing performance, and much more.

Finally, the platform should be able to give you valuable insights into each candidate throughout the interview process. This means that you get an idea of how they're doing during the session and can make better hiring decisions based on their answers.

The best part of all, Ai allows you to scale your interview processes quickly and easily. You don't need to add more staff or burden existing employees with additional responsibilities - instead, you can automate many of the mundane details like scheduling and interview recording.

Interview with AI

I think most interviewers see artificial intelligence as the future - but there are still those that don't trust the results it can generate for their team. I understand where you're coming from completely- venturing into the unknown, especially a technological one, and putting your hiring decisions into the hands of a few lines of code can feel daunting.

Luckily, you don't have to. Pillar's interview intelligence software is powered by Ai, not built to replace human interaction. Think of the interviewer/ Ai relationship as a multiplication factor for the interviewer - allowing them to uncover more details and insights about a candidate in a fraction of the time they would've before.

Ai video interview software is here to stay, but that doesn't mean it's been easy to transition to. The best part about using Ai in your interviews is that Ai learns - it iterates and gets better! Every time you use it, the system adapts and learns how to better assess candidates based on your team's input.

It also goes beyond just interview questions; Ai video interview platform can be used to score resumes, create automated follow-ups, schedule interviews, collect information from each candidate, and much more. And with AI's ability to automate mundane tasks, you can spend more time creating an outstanding candidate experience that outperforms the competition.

At the end of the day, Ai video interview software is here to assist you and your team in getting the best hires possible. So don't be afraid to embrace this new technology. Try an interview with Ai, see the result, and decide for yourself whether it's an effective tool or not. We're sure you won't regret it!

At Pillar, we focus on building Ai hiring software that is designed to supercharge the human interviewer, not replace them. Our interview intelligence software allows you to gather advanced analytics, score resumes, schedule interviews, and provide valuable insights into a candidate's performance.

If you're looking for an Ai video interview software platform that will help your team create better hiring decisions at a lower cost and in less time - Schedule your Demo of Pillar today!