AI In Recruitment

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AI In Recruitment

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a category within computer science dedicated to creating systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. This field has seen a meteoric rise in influence across many industries as the need for productivity, data processing, and automation has become increasingly important.

The inception of AI dates back to the mid-20th century, with theoretical concepts initially forming as far back as the 1940s and 1950s. However, computers from that time weren't nearly advanced enough, not powerful enough to run advanced algorithms like they are today. Over the years, significant advancements in deep learning and neural networks have propelled the capabilities of AI from simple automation to complex decision-making processes and large language models that can handle huge amounts of data.

The concept of AI in recruitment began to take shape as the economy experienced exponential growth and shifted from the "trades" to a knowledge-based workforce. The economic growth combined with this shift created complexity and forced HR teams to seek more efficient ways to handle the mounting volume of job applications and data.

As early as the 1990s, there was experimentation with applicant tracking systems, but it wasn't until the late 2000s that AI started to make a significant impact. The role of AI in recruitment has transformed from streamlining tasks to refining recruitment and selection strategies, like candidate scoring, and predictive analysis- bringing in a new era of AI in recruitment and selection.

The importance of AI in recruitment is a pivotal talking point for a modern HR team. With rapid innovations, technological changes, economic shifts, and the ever-evolving job market, companies are constantly looking for solutions that can keep up with the demands of hiring. AI-powered recruitment tools have become a must-have for sorting through resumes, picking out top candidates, and even predicting job performance down the line.

A decade ago, we relied on "human instinct," "gut feelings," and "experience" to pick the best candidate for the job. Notice I put quotations around each of those terms- not because they are always bad things but because they add a massive margin for error and subjectivity- which is where bias enters the hiring process. AI does not struggle with bias the same way that a human would, and this change marks the most significant advantage of AI in recruitment.

AI can be taught to look for specific keywords, skills, or traits when analyzing resumes and job applications. It can then rank candidates based on how closely their application aligns with the desired criteria- giving a more objective assessment of each candidate's qualifications. This not only eliminates potential bias but also saves time and resources for HR teams who (for the most part) are already overwhelmed.

This is where AI takes on an increasingly important role in the recruitment process. Once we know how to use it properly and understand its capabilities and limitations, we can use it as a force multiplier automating tasks that don't require a human touch. This brings me to a common misconception- the role of AI in recruitment is not meant to replace human recruiters but rather to enhance their abilities. While AI can handle repetitive tasks such as resume screening and candidate sourcing, it cannot replicate the nuances of human interaction and decision-making.

For example, Pillar's interview intelligence is an AI-powered analytics tool that scores candidates and predicts long-term success. However, Pillar doesn't replace the human/ candidate interaction in an interview, it "piggybacks" on the interview to assess both the candidate and the interviewer and maximize the desired outcome.

Examples Of AI In Recruitment

That was one example of AI in the recruitment process, let's look at a few others. But, before we get to that, you have to understand that there are two different types of AI, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Traditional AI is rule-based and follows predetermined guidelines, while generative AI is trained on data and can generate new outputs based on that information.

Traditional AI is better suited for tasks such as resume screening, candidate sourcing, and initial chatbot interactions with job seekers. For example, HireEZ used traditional AI to screen resumes for specific skills and qualifications before passing them on to human recruiters - (although they recently launched a press release that stated they'd be switching to ChatGPT-3, which is generative).

On the other hand, generative AI is more suited for tasks that require creativity and problem-solving, such as creating job descriptions, writing interview questions, and even predicting future hiring needs. For example, Textio uses generative AI to analyze the language used in previous successful job postings and creates new ones with a higher chance of attracting top talent.

Many AI in recruitment examples are generative. The reason we most often use generative AI in recruitment is that it allows us to predict things like human behavior and create things like job postings and descriptions from researching others- something traditional AI can struggle with.

Another popular example of AI in the recruitment process is candidate scoring. Companies like Pymetrics use generative AI to assess a candidate's cognitive and emotional traits through games and exercises, providing insights beyond what a resume or interview can reveal. Our team at Pillar uses generative AI to power our interview intelligence software helping recruiters, hiring managers, and HR teams make better hiring decisions.

There are many benefits to integrating AI into the recruitment process. Efficient screening and sourcing, enhanced candidate experience, unbiased decision-making, and predictive insights for future hiring needs, just to name a few, all contribute to a more effective, efficient, and inclusive recruitment strategy. For organizations looking to supercharge their recruitment efforts, leveraging AI's capabilities can significantly improve the quality of hire, reduce time-to-hire, and ultimately, have a positive impact on the bottom line.

Benefits Of AI In Recruitment

All that being said, there are still advantages and drawbacks to using AI in recruitment. And if you truly want to utilize AI and recruitment to its fullest potential, you must navigate a few potential pitfalls.

How to Use AI in Recruitment

To fully benefit from AI in recruitment, it's important to grasp what it can and can't do. As we mentioned previously, AI cannot replace a "human touch" in the hiring process- but it can enhance it. Utilizing AI for tasks such as resume screening, candidate sourcing, interview scheduling, and things like introductions can save time and resources while providing a more objective assessment of candidates' qualifications.

Future of AI in Recruitment:

The future of AI in recruitment looks promising- although we've seen a few hiccups along the way. Recently Google, Amazon, and a few other big tech companies faced public outcry when their AI-powered recruiting tools showed gender bias against female candidates. Luckily, tools like Pillar have already accounted for this and have seen an increase in customer diversity hiring - one customer reports an increase of more than 57%.

This gives us the confidence to say that the future of AI hiring tools is bright. As AI continues to evolve and improve, we can expect to see more sophisticated and tailored solutions for the recruitment process.

That doesn't mean there still aren't ethical concerns about AI in recruitment, it means with basic human oversight, these tools have become far more effective at eliminating bias than human interviewers alone. As with any emerging technology, it's essential to approach AI in recruitment with awareness and constantly evaluate its effectiveness.

The Benefits of AI in Recruitment

The benefits of AI in recruitment are numerous, including faster candidate screening, reduced biases in the hiring process, and enhanced candidate engagement through personalized experiences.

One of the most significant benefits of AI in recruitment is its potential to speed up the hiring process, potentially cutting time-to-hire in half. With traditional methods, recruiters spend a significant amount of time manually sifting through resumes and conducting initial screenings. AI can automate these tasks, allowing recruiters to focus on more valuable activities such as building relationships with candidates and conducting interviews. This reduces time-to-hire significantly and increases HR's bandwidth which allows them to put energy into solving other challenges an organization may face.

In this article, hopefully, you've seen that the integration of AI into recruitment is not just a fad. It's a fast-moving trend that's revolutionizing how we hire. And (we believe) it's a strategic evolution that aligns with the future of work. When you combine the power of artificial intelligence with the balance of human insight, you get an unbeatable combination that can improve the entire recruitment process - from sourcing to hiring.

If you're currently fighting for bandwidth and would like to see how AI can revolutionize your hiring, book a demo of Pillar today. We'd love to show you how interview intelligence can help you make better hiring decisions.