AI For Recruiting

Great teams start with great interviews.

By recording live interviews, our platform harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to help teams run a faster, better interview process.

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AI For Recruiting

AI recruitment software is revolutionizing the hiring landscape like never before. Initially, the recruitment industry was characterized by manual screening of resumes, which was a labor-intensive and time-consuming task. However, a combination of factors highlighted the need for more powerful tools and the automation of this process. Talent has gone global. This means that the geographical barriers we've all known for years have dissolved, and the recruitment process is no longer confined to the four walls of an office building or the borders of a country.

Virtual Assistants from the Philippines, South Africa, and India support Executives, Entrepreneurs, and Sales Teams in creating leads and closing deals. SDRs in Mexico drive pipeline for U.S.-based account executives. Often "Marketing" is less of a team and more of a one-person show supported by a group of AI tools, a handful of contractors, and a few specialists hired off Fiverr or from your network.

The last few years have truly redefined "work." This may not be as relevant at the corporate level as it is in tech, with startups, and SMBs, but as workforce shortages grow, companies are having to get creative with talent operations.

This is where AI for recruiting is changing the game. The growing volume of job openings and applications makes it impossible for recruiters and HR to manually review every resume. Instead, AI can scour job boards and recruitment sites for resumes of qualified people, funneling them into screenings and interviews almost completely on autopilot. AI-powered interview intelligence software can assess candidates during the interview process, scoring and making recommendations on which ones to hire, and finally, onboarding and employee management systems can get them "up to speed" at their own pace.

The future of AI in recruitment is still being written, but if what we've seen thus far is any indication of what's to come, HR solutions powered by AI will be an exciting sector of the market.

Best AI For Recruiting

If you're new to AI for recruitment, you may have fallen into the trap of "Googling" "Best AI for Recruiting" only to be inundated with sales content begging for your email so they can send you a new reason to buy their product every day until you finally either move them to junk or unsubscribe...

As you can see, that's not the way we do things here. Education is everything. Do you remember "The More You Know," public service announcements? Despite their irritating little jingle, they gave people valuable data that was beneficial to the community and they were very effective at getting people to do things like use less water and turn off lights.

We believe that AI is the same way. Despite many individuals being reticent of the technology, it's truly amazing what it can do. The benefits of using AI in recruitment are many. Our goal is to provide you with valuable insights and information on this topic and let you make an educated decision on whether our solution is the best option for you.

Recruitment AI

So let's actually dive into AI for talent acquisition. The first thing you need to know is there are several types of AI- 9-10 depending on who you ask, and they're each useful for different purposes. We're going to focus on the two most commonly used recruitment AI solutions today.

Traditional AI is also called "inferential," meaning it can analyze extremely large data sets and make decisions based on patterns that it learns from the data. Generative AI is, as the name suggests, able to generate new content based on the data it has analyzed and learned from. This type of AI is particularly useful for recruitment because it can assist with tasks like creating job descriptions and analyzing candidate characteristics for successful hires.

Traditional AI, or inferential AI, has been a game changer in the recruitment industry. It's capable of handling enormous data sets, recognizing patterns, and making decisions based on those patterns. It's used in applicant tracking systems to filter and rank candidates based on their qualifications, skills, and experience, saving recruiters countless hours. It's also used to predict candidate success based on historical hiring data.

Generative AI for recruiting takes things a step further. It doesn't just analyze and make decisions - it creates. It can construct a job description or even draft personalized emails to potential candidates. It can make automated introductions between applicants and interviewers, and even book interviews. What's most exciting about Generative AI is that when it's informed by a wealth of data, it can predict what qualities and skills a successful candidate might need for a specific role, even if they're not explicitly listed in the job description.

So combining traditional and generative AI tools can literally revolutionize your hiring process. Consider, for example, a company that's struggling to find candidates for open roles. They can use a tool like HireEZ which uses AI to source candidates from online job boards, social media platforms, and other online sources. Then they can use a generative AI tool like Pillar's interview intelligence software to screen those candidates, selecting the most qualified and relevant for interviews. Thus solving many of the hiring challenges they may have.

Generative AI in HR

As you may have discovered, generative AI in HR is the future of talent acquisition. It takes traditional AI tools and goes a step further, generating content and automating tasks that were once done manually. This is especially useful in HR, where time-consuming processes like sourcing candidates, screening resumes, and coordinating interviews can now be done with minimal human involvement.

But what about once you have a full talent pool and need to screen, interview, and assess each candidate to see who's the best fit? HR AI software like Pillar can piggyback on your video interview platform and help you predict candidate success, identify potential biases, and score candidates based on their responses to interview questions - and, that's where many of these examples of AI in HR begin.

As we enter Q1 of 2024, we're seeing many of these tools combined with new ways to interview like AR and VR experiences. As technology moves forward, we're making the interview process even more efficient and equitable. Imagine being able to assess a candidate's body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions - all while remaining completely objective and unbiased.

Imagine just eliminating the stress of scheduling conflicts, time zone differences, and endless email threads to book an interview. Generative AI tools, such as smart scheduling applications, can analyze all participants' availability and automatically arrange meetings, freeing up valuable time for recruiters. This alone could save HR teams an estimated 20 hours per week.

Next, remove biases and select the most qualified candidates. Making your teams more effective, more productive, and building a better work culture. Using traditional and generative AI tools for recruitment, we believe you'll find the best talent faster and more efficiently than ever before.

Imagine being able to build teams based on personality to create teams that work better together. With the help of AI, this can become a reality. By evaluating candidates' personality traits and communication styles through video interviews and analyzing their fit with your team's culture, you can create more diverse and cohesive teams that are better equipped to achieve success.

So don't be intimidated by AI in recruitment - embrace it! It's the future.

AI in Recruitment Examples

Let's look at several AI in recruitment examples to showcase how to use AI in your recruitment operations. Building an effective hiring tech stack of tools is not easy, and there are several things to consider. First, make sure you understand your current recruitment process and identify where AI can be most beneficial. Then, choose tools that integrate seamlessly with your existing systems and workflows to avoid adding unnecessary complexity.

Some basic examples of AI in recruitment include:

- Applicant tracking systems (ATS): These use traditional AI to filter and rank candidates based on their qualifications, skills, and experience. They are also used to predict candidate success based on historical hiring data. Our team likes Lever.

- Sourcing and screening tools: These use generative AI to source candidates from various online platforms, screen resumes for relevant keywords, and even draft personalized emails to potential applicants. We've already mentioned our preference here - HireEZ.

- Interview intelligence software: Tools like Pillar (shameless plug) use AI interview intelligence to analyze video interviews and assess candidates' performance, predicting their fit with the role and company culture. This can save recruiters significant time and effort while also mitigating potential biases.

- Onboarding and employee performance management software: These use AI to gather data on employee performance and engagement, providing actionable insights for managers to help their teams grow. BambooHR is a popular choice among HR professionals.

These are just some of the many examples of how AI is transforming recruitment processes and making them more efficient, effective, and equitable. The nice thing about the tools we've mentioned is that they all integrate into a seamless hiring tech stack, eliminating many tasks that don't require a human touch and automating tasks that once took hours to complete. In turn, this allows recruiters and HR professionals to focus on what really matters - finding and retaining the best talent for their organization.

If you'd like to see how our team has helped customers accomplish major milestones like increasing diversity hiring by almost 60%, while also lowering employee turnover and decreasing costs-per-hire, book your demo today to hear more. We'd love to help you make better hires.