Make Great Hiring Decisions

Great teams start with great interviews.

By recording live interviews, our platform harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to help teams run a faster, better interview process.

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Make Great Hiring Decisions

In the last few years, we've witnessed an astonishing transformation in the world. COVID turned the world upside-down and sent much of the workforce home. Stay-at-home orders meant companies had to rapidly shift their workforce from offices to remote environments while staying productive — and it had to be done quickly.

For many businesses, this meant their recruitment process went from multiple in-person meetings, often including travel and several-day hotel stays, to a several-step video interview process. The initial challenge with video interviews was getting candidates comfortable with the process, getting the information that the company needed to make great hiring decisions, and creating a great candidate experience that gave them a snapshot of their future work with the company.

Despite these initial challenges, video interviews have proven to be a great resource for recruiters — allowing them to more quickly get a sense of a candidate’s capabilities, fit within an organization and culture, and make better hiring decisions. Finding the right people with the right expertise to fill positions in a virtual environment is never going to be easy, but there are some things recruiters can do to ensure that they make great hiring decisions.

First, establish a straightforward evaluation process that includes criteria and structure for assessing each candidate’s skills and qualifications. This will help you focus on the right qualities in potential hires and reduce bias when making your decision.

Put simply:

  1. What criteria MUST a candidate possess to pass the initial screening?
  2. There are four or five categories that all of your questions should fall into:
  1. a) Education and Certifications
  2. b) Past experience
  3. c) Cultural fit
  4. d) Past performance
  5. e) Behavioral Traits
  1. Create a list of semi-structured questions to ask in the first interview that allows candidates to showcase their abilities in each area.
  2. As you’re interviewing, take time to really get to know the candidate and understand their story. The more you get to know them, the better you’ll be able to assess whether or not they fit the criteria set forth in your evaluation process.

Second, assign tasks during the interviewing/ hiring decision process that allows candidates to showcase their skills in each of the areas you’re assessing. When selecting tasks, be sure they are relevant to the job and give a good indication of how well the candidate will perform on the job.

Finally, interview intelligence software creates an even playing field for each candidate. Equitable hiring is about making sure everyone is given a fair chance. Use this technology to efficiently assess candidates, track data, and provide insights on the best candidate for each position.

Who Makes Final Decisions in Hiring Process

When it comes to who makes the final hiring decision, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The best approach for your organization will depend on the size and structure of your team, as well as the type of job you are hiring for.

Smaller teams may prefer a single person to make the decision while larger organizations may opt for a larger team of stakeholders. Ultimately, who makes the final decision in the hiring process should be someone who can speak to the skills and qualifications needed for the position, as well as the cultural fit within the organization.

In most cases, this person will be the hiring manager, but could also include feedback from panel interviewers and, depending on company size and open role, the executive team. If multiple people are making decisions on the hire, it should be made clear who is responsible for the ultimate decision and any final paperwork.

The most important thing to remember when it comes to making hiring decisions is that there should always be a rationale behind the decision. This means having an established evaluation process in place, setting criteria for assessing each candidate’s skills and qualifications, as well as assigning tasks that allow candidates to showcase their abilities. With this in mind, you can make great hiring decisions objectively - based on data, instead of subjectively - based on feelings.

Hiring Decision Meaning

The hiring decision is a big one, and it must be made for the right reasons. The implications of the hiring decision, meaning the long-term consequences whether positive or negative of bringing this employee into the company are far-reaching and should never be taken lightly.

Taking the time to objectively review all of these factors will lead to the most successful hire possible. It is also important to remember that no candidate is perfect – they may bring many great skills and experiences but still not be the best fit for your organization.

Creating a hiring process checklist, setting up criteria for assessing each candidate’s skills and qualifications, as well as assigning tasks that allow candidates to showcase their abilities are all key pieces of the puzzle when it comes to making great hiring decisions. It is also important to ensure there is a rationale behind the decision – and this must come from data-driven insights, not subjective opinion. One way to ensure that your teams are interviewing objectively is to use interview intelligence software powered by Ai (artificial intelligence) that will identify when interviewers are displaying bias and provide additional insights into a candidate’s true potential - this can be used as a coaching tool to create a fair hiring process.

What does your hiring process after the interview look like?

Once interviews have been conducted, the hiring process is far from over. In fact, there are a few critical steps that must be taken to ensure you make the most informed hiring decision possible.

First and foremost, it’s important to review candidates carefully and assess their experiences against the criteria set for the position. This means looking at resumes and portfolios, as well as any test scores and references. It’s also important to assess each candidate’s fit within the organization—for example, do their values align with your culture?

After assessing all of these elements, you can then check in with other team members involved in the interview process for feedback. Then, if needed, you can conduct a follow-up interview or two before making your final decision.

Once the hiring decision is made, it’s important to inform candidates as soon as possible—even those who were not selected for the role. In addition, be sure to thank each candidate for their time and effort throughout the entire process. Making the right hiring decision is an important step in creating a successful team—and following these steps is sure to make it easier for you and your organization.

Hiring Decision In The Selection Process

Determining how the final hiring decision is made is an important part of any selection process. During the interview and evaluation stage, the interviewer should be assessing each candidate’s skills and qualifications relative to the job requirements, as well as gauge their ability to bring a unique perspective and positive energy to the team.

As we covered briefly above, decision-making in the recruitment and selection process will often boil down to data-driven insights, rather than subjective opinion. This is why it’s important to create a checklist of criteria to evaluate each candidate against in order to ensure hiring decisions are made objectively and without bias. Ai can have a huge impact in this area, by leveraging insights generated from artificial intelligence and machine learning, you can assess candidates against data-driven criteria, as well as ensure your interviewers are not displaying any bias.

Great selection process examples also include a final evaluation stage, in which hiring managers and other influential stakeholders make the ultimate decision on who is hired. This can be done by comparing each candidate’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as discussing the results of each individual’s assessment. At the end of this process, it is always important to get the input of other involved team members before making the final hiring decision.

Ultimately, it’s important to remember that the overall goal is to make the best hiring decision possible for your organization. By using data-driven insights and leveraging artificial intelligence, you can reduce the subjectivity of the process and ensure each candidate is assessed objectively—ultimately leading to a more successful team.

Hiring Decision Email

Hypothetically, you've just finished your selection process and have made a hiring decision. Now it's time to let both sets of candidates know. Telling unsuccessful candidates that they weren't chosen for the role is tough, especially if you really like the candidate, and it's helpful to have a personalizable email template to help formulate your response. Writing the ‘unsuccessful candidate’ email can be difficult, but it's an important step in maintaining relationships with applicants who showed interest in your company and contributed to the recruitment.

Something like:

"Dear [applicant name],


Thank you for your enthusiasm in applying and interviewing for the [job title or position]. Although we have chosen a different applicant, we sincerely value your time and your interest. I've received positive feedback from everyone on the team and they all enjoyed interviewing you.


In the upcoming months, [your company’s name] will be actively searching for additional employees. If you are still interested in joining our team at that time, please do not hesitate to follow up as we think you'd be a great fit for future roles!


I wish you all the best in your job search and with any of your future endeavors, both professionally and personally.




[your first and last name]


[your job title or position]"

The hiring decision email should be professional yet empathetic, and should clearly state the outcome of the recruitment process. It's important to thank each candidate for their time and effort throughout the entire selection process. Also, try to provide them with feedback on how they performed in order to help them in future job applications.

If you haven't made a decision yet, it's important to let a candidate know this as well. "We haven't made a decision yet email templates" can help you craft a response that is both professional and informative.

At the end of the day, the hiring decision email should be tailored for each individual candidate based on their specific situation. Your goal should be to leave each applicant with a positive impression of their experience, your company, and your process - whether or not they were chosen for the role.

In conclusion, following a detailed and thorough selection process is essential for making the best hiring decision possible. By using data-driven insights and leveraging artificial intelligence, you can reduce subjectivity in the process and ensure each candidate is assessed objectively - ultimately leading to a more successful team.

If you are looking to make your hiring process more efficient and effective, we'd love to help. Pillar is an interview intelligence platform that can help you automate much of the hiring process to save hiring managers and recruiting teams time and money. Schedule a demo to see more or chat with someone on our team.