Human Resources Software

Great teams start with great interviews.

By recording live interviews, our platform harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to help teams run a faster, better interview process.

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Human Resources Software

Human resources has gone through a massive change in the past 3 years. What started in spreadsheets, white papers, and training courses has now become human resources software and systems that can almost automate processes around candidate sourcing, hiring, onboarding, managing employee engagement, and managing payroll. Today, HR tech software is essential for any company looking to maximize its human resources budget and get the most out of its teams.

But there are hundreds of platforms to choose from - and with so many different options available on the market, it can be hard to know which ones are right for your organization, especially if you’re a large company with hundreds or even thousands of employees. To help you make great hires, we're going to talk about current trends in human resources, HR initiatives for 2023, and the solutions that will help you manage your employees better without making them feel micro-managed.

Where to begin? Let's do a quick check-in, call it the State of the Union on hiring in 2023. Over the last 3 years, we've seen hiring trends that none of us expected. When the world shut down due to COVID-19, we were forced to make rapid changes that have shifted the way we work, the way we hire, and the way we manage our employees. Trends like "The Great Resignation," "Quiet quitting," and the tech layoffs of 2022 left many employees distrustful of the market and organizational leadership teams, and left companies short on talent and resources.

As of today, we're seeing inflation slow, the unemployment rate holding steady in the mid-3s (3.5-3.7%), and interest rate hikes by the FED screech to a halt. This can mean a few things for the job market and employee sentiment. For companies, this means that we're seeing more confidence to hire in hard-to-fill positions, as well as promote internally and reward their current team members who've been with them for years. For individuals, this can mean a potentially unstable job market and more fear of getting laid off or downsized in the future. A challenging blend.

Now that you have the lay of the land, let's talk about how this all relates to HR tech software, especially hiring tools like interview intelligence software. As the job market grows tumultuous, large companies are turning to the best HR systems to streamline the process of hiring, handle incoming resume flow and talent pools, and manage employees. One of the big developments that we're seeing is the introduction of Ai hiring tools and how data trains them to make great hiring decisions - more on this later.

HR Software List

The best HR software examples in today's hiring market all have one thing in common, ease of use. These nearly plug-and-play systems are able to integrate with all of their sibling platforms to create one ecosystem that simplifies the life of an HR professional, recruiter, or hiring manager.

Let's look at an example HR software list (an integrated tech stack) to see how this works. Using the hiring ecosystem as an example, you'll need to begin with a talent pool, interviews, make some offers, and onboard new members of your team. There are many places to find talent today, chief among them job boards, hiring websites, and LinkedIn. But on these sites, you have to do most of the work yourself.

Ai sourcing solutions like HireEZ make the process much easier by automating the sourcing process. HireEZ can scan thousands of resumes within minutes, identifying top candidates for your job opening and sending you a shortlist of top choices. But you'll need a place to put all this data or you'll be constantly chasing your tail trying to keep up with your candidate pool - this is where you need a solid applicant tracking system (ATS) that integrates everything end-to-end so that you can waste less time tracking down data and more time finding the right people.

After identifying the right candidates, you can move to interviews with solutions like Interview Intelligence software. Tools like Pillar offer the power of Ai in the hiring process and empower you with data-driven insights that help you to hire the right people. This type of solution really comes in handy from automated candidate introductions, interview scheduling, and phone screens, throughout the interview process. The best HR software in this space allows you to automate much of the process without losing the human touch.

We forgot something - a digital assistant. Spending time on menial tasks is a major drain on your team's resources. With digital assistants like Paradox, all of those recurring tasks become automated and the results are immediate. From onboarding (HRIS) to managing payroll, a digital assistant can be the solution that brings it all together.

Finally, you need onboarding software. BambooHR offers a great onboarding system that allows you to create custom HR portals and guide new hires through the entire process from start to finish. This allows your new hires to get onboarded quickly and reduces the workload for HR while also allowing them to document all of their activities in one place.

Best HR Systems For Large Companies

At Pillar, we primarily work in the startup and SMB space, but offer our video interview platform to large companies as well. As a core HR software, we understand the need for large organizations to have a robust hiring system in place that can handle interview analytics from top to bottom.

Throughout the last couple of years, we've seen big companies use data, analytics, and even Ai in hiring processes with less than satisfactory results. Amazon's hiring Ai was biased against hiring women, and Microsoft's version of the same program was biased against people of color, indicating that many large companies struggled to get a handle on their hiring systems powered by Ai. These types of software have failed primarily because of the data that they were trained on.

The best HR systems for large companies need to take these hiring biases into account as they train their platforms to make great hires objectively. This is where Pillar began - which is why we've seen an uptick in diversity hiring across our customers. Building the principles of diversity and inclusion into our platform as a baseline has generated increased diversity hiring metrics in many customers by around 30%. As you can imagine, this is huge for teams with a deep desire to make a difference and foster meaningful change in the workplace.

The takeaway? HR tech software is an essential part of any organization's hiring strategy - but especially large corporations with large media presence and exposure.

HR Tech Software

The types of HR software your team uses each day to save time and money are vast, differ by industry, and should probably require some significant research pre-investing. The reality of this space is that G2 and other review sites have HR product lists with hundreds of options. I think the last time I checked there were more than 330 HR solutions listed.

Imagine having to demo and trial all of those solutions to find the right fit for you... an exhausting task. If you'd like to skip this process, you can use our guide, "How to Build the Best Recruitment Tech Stack" as you evaluate the best HR tech software for your business. When choosing technology, you should think about the types of features that are important to you and how they align with your current team structure.

For example, if you're a large company looking for advanced recruiting and interviewing solutions, you might want to consider a platform like Pillar (but we're biased). With features such as automated interview scheduling and candidate introductions to AI-driven interview questions, scoring, and live video interviewing options, you can make sure your hiring process is smooth and efficient. Pillar was built to help you make better hires in less time, for less money.

We've helped many of our customers lower hiring costs significantly. Check out our savings calculator to see how much you could save... (customers hiring 4-6 employees per month can save more than 225 hours and more than 1.2m dollars).

Of course, the right HR tech software for you may be slightly different from what works for us. A great place to start is to write down what you'd like to gain from the tools you select, and who will be using them. Are they user-friendly? Do they offer simple interfaces and integrations that your team can use? Are the features you need included in the package or do you have to pay extra for them? How's their support? Do they offer convenient ways to contact them in the case of an issue? These are all questions that must consider to find a platform that helps you overcome the bandwidth challenges of your role.

At the end of the day, it's important to choose HR software that meets your needs and fits within your budget. To take Pillar for a test drive, book your demo today. We'd love to show you how we've helped our customers make better hiring decisions.