HR Technology Trends

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HR Technology Trends

The role of technology and human resource management (HRM) has grown exponentially in the past decade, and HR technology trends show that its growth is only accelerating. With the ever-increasing capabilities of software and technology, HR processes such as recruiting, interviewing, onboarding, performance management, benefits administration, and learning platforms have become increasingly streamlined and automated.

One of the most important trends affecting human resource management is the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) in recruitment. AI-enabled systems can sort through large quantities of job applications, identify the best fit for each role, assess candidates during interviews, and even provide personalized coaching to interviewers.

The use of technology in Human resource management is making day-to-day activities for HR professionals, hiring managers, and recruiters much simpler by automating, sorting, and eliminating many time-consuming tasks. Items like interview scheduling, interviewer/ candidate introductions, candidate scoring, interview question prompting during interviews, interview recording, transcriptions, and inter-platform integrations all serve as timing-saving technology in human resources.

Creating an HRM stack has never been easier. Integrating your digital sourcing, Ai assistant, ATS (applicant tracking software), interview intelligence software, and onboarding platform into one seamless ecosystem can save you time and money, and help you find the best talent for your open roles.

HR Technology Trends 2023

The biggest HR technology trend in 2023 will be the integration of Ai (artificial intelligence). Even though Ai and ML (machine learning) technologies have been used in HRM in the past, the race for the adoption of Ai technologies began on Nov. 20th, 2022, with the launch of ChatGPT 3.0. This new version of the AI Chatbot allowed OpenAi's code base and conversational algorithms to be integrated into other systems completely revolutionizing HRM as we know it.

In 2023, HR professionals will be able to leverage Ai in their recruiting and onboarding processes to search databases, identify candidates, assess applicant interview language, search resumes, and highlight aspects of the interview to send to panel interviewers - thus changing the candidate sourcing and interview workflow as we know it.

But it won't stop there. HR Trends in 2023 are showing that entire platforms and databases will be displaced as conversational Ai code learns to answer search queries accurately, identify solutions to hiring processes, solve problems, and even build coded solutions to add features to existing platforms.

HR Technology Tools

Human resource management tools and techniques have changed very little in the last 100 years. In fact, as of 10 years ago, a resume, pen, and a pad of paper were still commonplace. There were digital tools available but most of them were databases of employers and candidates, not true HR technology tools. But over the last few years, the HR tools list has dramatically changed.

Today, some of the most popular HR technology tools include Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), Cloud-based Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS), Interview Intelligence Software, Virtual Interview Platforms, AI-Powered Chatbots, Automated Recruiting Software, and Onboarding Software.

These tools make it easier for HR professionals to source and hire the best candidates for their open roles. ATS software can now sort through hundreds of resumes and applications based on keywords, qualifications, and experience and make recommendations on top applicants. AI-powered chatbots can act as the first point of contact for candidates and answer any questions about available roles or even the company itself. Interview intelligence software can help hiring managers identify key traits that make a candidate stand out from the competition. And onboarding software can ensure that a new hire is quickly up to speed and running with the right resources and onboarding materials.

The best part of these tools and technologies is that they are all cloud-based, meaning HR professionals don't have to worry about dealing with hardware or data limitations. And the tools often integrate with existing systems to build a workflow that's seamless and connected so that HR professionals aren't constantly switching back and forth between platforms.

HR Technology Examples

The HR technology trends are rapidly changing, so it's vital to stay up-to-date and make sure you're using the best tools available. A great way to do this is through G2's HR Software threads.  Here you can find HR technology examples from the most popular and highly rated tools in the industry. You can see how they're rated by real users, how popular they are, and if the users of each platform show satisfactory results. You can also view HR technology news on each platform, seeing what's new and what people are saying about it.

For example, if you're looking for an ATS (Applicant Tracking System), G2's thread will show you solutions like Lever, BambooHR, Greenhouse, Workable, SmartRecruiters, and Jobvite. You can then compare these platforms, demo each product that fits your needs, and decide whether or not they're right for you. By doing so, you'll ensure that your recruitment process is as efficient and effective as possible. With the right combination of HR technology tools, you can find the perfect candidate for your company.

Future of HR Technology

As technology continues to reshape how we hire and evolve to meet the demands of a more efficient and effective, modernized HR team, it’s clear that the future of HR technology will be shaped by AI-driven solutions. How this happens is yet to be seen. AI is so powerful that I don't believe we've scratched the surface of what it's capable of doing.

That said, Ai is also going to create fear and frustration in the job market as it will automate many roles that would previously have been done by humans. This is positive and negative. Positive in that humans will be able to step away from unrewarding labor and hopefully find more fulfillment in their work. Negative in that many people will be put out of jobs as robots and code take over roles that they would've previously been responsible for.

Technology is only going to accelerate until we hit the singularity, and unfortunately, many people aren't prepared for what's ahead. In the future, much of HR will be refocused on helping people adapt to a constantly changing job market and ensuring that their team is up-to-date with the latest technology trends and skillsets so they can remain competitive in an ever-evolving industry.  Staying ahead of the curve is the only way many businesses will survive.

HR Technology Solutions

So how do we plan and prepare for the future? Or, maybe a better question is, how do we participate in the future by building the HR technology solutions that will define it? Right now, Ai is more like a digital assistant that anything else. ChatGPT has passed the bar, the GMAT, the CFP, and the Series 7 exams, all of which show us that the possibilities of Ai in HR are only beginning to show up as we test what it can do.

Let's build an HR transformation framework that will help us prepare for the future. We need to make sure we have a clear roadmap of specific solutions, processes, and the technology needed to achieve the goals of our organization. This roadmap should include the automation of everything that doesn't absolutely require a human touch, predictive analytics, and intelligent solutions that eliminate anything a human doesn't want to do.

The goal of this HR transformation roadmap is to allow for the most efficient recruitment process by sourcing the best talent, negotiating wages, interviewing, onboarding, and data analysis that can help identify trends and make more informed decisions - all without (or very little) human intervention.

If the HR process can be streamlined and automated, what do we need to build to stay relevant? Can free up our human capital to focus on more meaningful tasks? What part do knowledge and experience play in your most effective processes? Do these require a level of insight and thoughtfulness only humans can provide? Can a piece of code solve this problem in a way that a human can't?

Now you can decide whether to buy, integrate, or build systems like this to manage every step from candidate sourcing and interviewing to employee engagement, customer service, or team-building activities that create an environment of support and connection in your company.

Role of Technology in HR

There are many advantages of technology in human resource management. The role of technology in HR cannot be understated. It is one of the most important aspects of modern-day human resources, as it helps to increase efficiency and effectiveness lightening HR's workload.

Technology not only can but will continue to make HR processes easier, faster, and more cost-effective as Ai is adopted. How technology affects HRM practices, in the long run, is anyone's guess, but with the trends, we're seeing right now, it is safe to say that technology will continue to be an important part of the HR landscape for many years to come.

In conclusion, we can see the essential role of technology in human resource management today. It's a revolutionary and essential technology that is shifting the way we work. Technology has made recruitment processes faster and fairer, interviews more efficient and less subjective, and employee engagement and performance management more data-driven and effective. If human resources technology trends are any indication of the future, we'll be more connected and better equipped to handle the rapidly changing world we live in.

If you're feeling left behind by the current rate of Ai adoption in HR, schedule a demo with someone from our team. Pillar is a video interview platform on a mission to help people make better hires. Over the last 12 months, our customers have lowered employee turnover by more than 50% while decreasing their costs and time to hire. If you'd like to see the same results, we'd love to show you how we do it.