Hiring Process Flowchart

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Hiring Process Flowchart

A hiring process flowchart is a great way to outline the steps in your hiring process and define outcomes at each step. Think of your hiring process as a series of siloed activities, and if/ then scenarios. For example, if a sourced applicant passes a phone screen, then they move into the interview phase.

The first step in a hiring process flowchart is staffing needs. This begins with an identification of who you need to hire next and what qualifications they must possess to perform well in the role. Once you've identified the role and outlined reasonable expectations, we move into talent identification – this includes writing job descriptions, advertising the position, outlining requirements, collecting resumes, and sourcing and screening potential candidates to create your talent pool.

Now that you have a pool of applicants, we move into the interviewing and selection process. Here you will select a subset of your talent pool to interview in-depth, assess their skills and qualifications against the job requirements, and begin to narrow down your list. Depending on the role, this could also involve personality testing, testing for technical competencies, or other pre-employment activities like reference checking, and background checks. Sometimes this process also includes an executive interview to finalize your interview process and move into the offer stage.

Once you’ve identified the best person for the job, it’s time to begin the offer process. Generally, at this step, you will be making a formal offer of employment and preparing any necessary paperwork or contracts. By this phase, the candidate should've met most of the team, have an understanding of salary expectations, performance expectations, team and company culture, work environment, and tool familiarity, and be prepared to sign an offer letter.

When the offer letter is signed, the next step is onboarding. This is the process of orienting your new hire to the team, ensuring their role is properly set up for success, and that all necessary training, paperwork, and resources are in place. This stage should also include any company expectations like non-disclosure agreements and other standard policies to protect and ensure the privacy of your processes and IP (intellectual property).

Finally, the last step in a hiring process flowchart is post-hiring evaluation. In this step, you'll review the results of your hiring process to define if it was successful in achieving its goals and ensure that there were no issues. This process should also include a "ramped" employee assessment of the candidate’s performance, assess employee satisfaction surveys, and if any improvements need to be made in your hiring or onboarding processes to ensure that there are no gaps in your hiring process and identify areas of improvement. As you review this stage you can continue refining your processes and creating a more effective hiring experience for future candidates.

A well-thought-out flowchart of the hiring process can help you organize your recruitment strategy and ensure a smooth transition from screening to a fully ramped employee. Pillar's interview intelligence tool can help you automate this process. Integrating with your ATS (applicant tracking system) and your onboarding software, Pillar's interview intelligence software bridges the gap between these other two solutions giving you a seamless hiring workflow from talent pool to performance review.

Hiring Process Steps

Having access to a hiring process checklist will keep each member of your team on the same page. Here is a summary of the hiring process steps:

1. Define the job role, and expectations, and write the job description.

2. Source, screen, and select candidates

3. Conduct interviews, panel interviews, and executive interviews.

4. Make an offer

5. Onboard new hire

6. Evaluate post-hiring performance and satisfaction surveys.

Each hiring process step should be outlined on a flow chart for the entire team. This flow chart serves as a map to show you where each candidate's progress in the hiring process is, allowing every member of the team to identify the next steps. The flow chart will help you and your team to be on the same page, communicate effectively across the entire unit, stay on top of the recruitment process, identify any gaps or areas for improvement, and quickly refer back to the hiring process checklist when needed.

So let's play this out with a scenario. Hypothetically, you've hired 3 new people on your team in the last 12 months. But not one of them is hitting quarterly goals. Where did your hiring process fail? Was it in the job description, bringing in applicants that weren't a good fit or had a different expectation of their role than what the company actually needed? Was it in the hiring process after interviews where some aspect of the onboarding experience caused the candidate to disengage and slow down?

With a hiring process flowchart, you will quickly see that there is a gap in your onboarding process and can quickly identify and close the gap. Upon further investigation, you may also find that your team wasn't prepared for the new hires, didn't have the bandwidth to train them effectively, or didn't have all of the necessary resources and training materials needed to ramp an employee efficiently.

By using a hiring process flowchart, you can quickly identify the issue and take steps to rectify it. This helps ensure that your new hires are set up for success and coming in with the right expectations of their roles. When done correctly, this will lead to higher employee satisfaction overall and better bottom-line results for the company as a whole. It also lowers employee turnover rates and creates a more sustainable company culture.

There are many reasons to create an internal hiring process flowchart. It will help you save time, identify areas of improvement, source better candidates, and ensure a smoother onboarding experience for employees. In addition to solving hiring problems, it gets everyone on the same page and can significantly reduce HR costs and improve the work environment.

If you'd like to see how we've helped our customers create a great hiring process, and use Ai (artificial intelligence) powered tools to make more objective hiring decisions, reach out to someone on our team. We'd love to show you how our customers have lowered employee turnover by more than 50% in the last 12 months.

Hiring Process Example

One of the most powerful ways to identify gaps in your hiring process is to overlay "successful" vs "unsuccessful" hires. Defining the difference between a successful hire and an unsuccessful hire helps you see clearly how your hiring process checklist can be improved.

For example, if a particular job role has had three unsuccessful hires in a row, look at each of their profiles and compare them to a successful hire in the same position. What do they have in common? What's dissimilar? Is it their education, experience, or something else? Were they familiar with the tools, well-trained, and had access to the support they needed?

Once you’ve identified the shared and dissimilar factors between successful and unsuccessful hires for a job role, use this information to update your hiring process examples. This could mean revising your job posting to make sure it's getting the right applicants; re-evaluating interview questions; or reviewing your hiring process after interviews.

Recruitment and selection process examples should outline the best and worst-case scenarios for your whole team to see. If you need to create blind avatars to showcase unsuccessful hires that's fine, but showcasing exactly what didn't work will help you create a clear path to what will. This will also help you document the entire process so that if it ever needs to be reviewed, you have a documented timeline and list of key decisions to make to create a better candidate experience (CX).

Finally, use Ai powered tools to unlock insights that you never would've seen without their help.

A few years ago, I was working for a medical device manufacturer creating training and enablement processes for new team members. This was a Fortune 500 company, and because of its size and success, I concluded that HR has solved many of its hiring challenges, but this was not the case. The hiring manager told me that every time he hired a new team member, he expected them to stay 9 months, underperforming by 15- 20%, and "quietly quit" until they were terminated. Costing the business unit millions in wasted resources.

After working directly with the team for a couple of months, I realized that there was a gap between what the hiring manager expected from new hires and what HR was communicating in the hiring process. With this knowledge, I worked alongside HR and the hiring manager to redefine the interview process and test for certain hard skills that were common to top-performing employees. Over the next 9 months, we studied the hiring process and improved anything that wasn't working and saw rapid change in employee retention, engagement, and team culture.

If we would've used Ai powered tools like Pillar to uncover candidate insights in the interview process and redefine what a successful hire looked like, we would've saved the company millions of dollars and more than 2 years of trial and error.

The lesson here is to use Ai powered tools early and often when it comes to your hiring process. With their help, you'll be able to identify patterns, and gaps in your processes, and refine your recruitment and selection criteria to build a more cohesive team and a better company culture. This will result in better hires who are more equipped and passionate about the job, lowering employee turnover rates and saving time and money.

If you're currently experiencing any of the hiring challenges we've mentioned above, schedule a demo to see how we've helped our customers make better hires. Pillar's process has helped our customers save millions of dollars in hiring costs, and our interview intelligence software has helped hiring managers created more objective hiring decisions, eliminated hiring bias, and lowered employee turnover. Want to know how much you could be saving? Check out our savings calculator and discover your hiring potential!