At Pillar, we understand that exceptional talent is the foundation of successful businesses. By recording live interviews, our platform harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to help teams run a faster, better interview process via structured interviews, automated feedback collection, AI interviewer training, and more.

“HR professionals around the world continue to over-rely on traditional, face-to-face interviewing practices.

The highest performing companies have moved to taking advantage of interview intelligence platforms to hire and grow.”

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How it works

Hiring great talent is non-negotiable

With Pillar, every team can run standardized, equitable interviews and select the right candidates every time.


Guide interviewers in real-time to run an unbiased, equitable process.

Inconsistent interviews are the #1 driver of poor hiring decisions. Pillar’s in-interview guides make it impossible to run a bad interview process.


Share insights using video and audio from every interview, increasing operational efficiency.

Going back to the tape on candidate responses has been proven to impact quality of hire.


Speed up your process with simplified handoffs and feedback

Going back to the tape on candidate responses has been proven to impact quality of hire.


Seamless integrations into to your existing tools

Applicant Tracking Systems

Leverage Pillar within your ATS with bi-directional integration. Pillar will automatically join interviews, share interview insights with your ATS, and support your existing workflow.

Applicant Tracking Systems

Leverage Pillar within your ATS with bi-directional integration. Pillar will automatically join interviews, share interview insights with your ATS, and support your existing workflow.

Applicant Tracking Systems

Leverage Pillar within your ATS with bi-directional integration. Pillar will automatically join interviews, share interview insights with your ATS, and support your existing workflow.

Bring interview intelligence into your hiring process

Center your hiring decisions on objective reality, rather than subjective opinions. Interview effectively and select the right candidates every time with Pillar.

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